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“I spend four hours in the gym”

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Ramona Gorraiz y Ainara Chocarro.

She defines herself as “flirtatious and conceited” but, above all, as a “very active, healthy and empowered” person. This is Ramona Gorraiz, an 83-year-old Andorran woman, although anyone would think so.. His impressive “body” is the result of the “more than four hours” he spends every day in the gym. In his training he does “everything”, and he makes it known through Instagram and TikTok.

It has almost 50,000 followers, and His videos of exercise routines reach a million and a half views. But she hasn’t achieved it alone. To do this, she has had the help of the trainer and content creator Ainara Chocarro -‘Ainafit’ on networks-. Their paths met in a gym in Andorra and, since then, the duo has become inseparable.

Now together, At 23 and 83 years old, they are determined to break the rules of the fitness. Under their ‘Fit y Empoderadas’ project they have created a community of women with the aim of “inspiring them, offering them tools to take care of themselves and reminding them that everyone can have a healthy lifestyle, whatever their age.”

It started with an illness

Ramona assures that she has always been a very active woman, who has always liked to exercise. He led a very healthy lifestyle, ate well and balanced, exercised… but she had to tighten her routines more when her husband fell ill.

“My husband was admitted for a cerebral infarction and, When you are in a hospital, you feel strong because you have staff who help you, but at home you are alone… and it is not that easy. He was a person of 88 kilos and I weighed 53, it was unthinkable that I could lift him. It was then when I realized that to take care of him I had to take care of myself even more,” Ramona explains to Magas.

Ramona and Ainara in the gym.

Ramona and Ainara in the gym. Loaned

He didn’t really know where to start, but it didn’t take him long to “get to work.” She put on her best sports outfits and went to a gym in Andorra, where she asked for help to face her new situation. “They told me I had to gain strength, gain muscle, and that’s what I did. I started training and thanks to that I spent 12 years taking care of my husband“.

Now it’s been 19 years since her husband passed away, but Ramona hasn’t stopped training “not a single day.” Although now, their objectives are different. “Since then, I’ve been going to the gym every day. I spend more than four hours there, but now I do it differently. Now my main goal is to have fun and have fun. Before, maybe I forced myself to follow my routine to the letter, but now I do what I want. One day arm, another day leg, pilates, yoga… I do everything. But because I have a great time training,” he clarifies emphatically.

A transformation of women

They have been together for just 60 years, but Ramona and Ainara have formed a galactic duo, even though just a few months ago they were two strangers.. Their paths crossed in a gym in Andorra, one day when Ramona was training as usual.

Coincidentally, Ainara was there with her partner. Both are dedicated to the world of fitness and, for them, exercise is their way of life. When they saw Ramona, they were fascinated. They had never seen her gymso they did not hesitate to approach her and talk to her.

“I am dedicated to personal training, and for me it was very shocking to see someone his age training like that. Most Older People Don’t Strength Train, Much Less Alone. They also don’t go to the gym with that energy and self-esteem that she conveyed,” says Ainara.

As in addition to being a coach she is also a content creator, Ainara encouraged Ramona to record a video for her Instagram account‘Ainafit’, and the result far exceeded what was expected. “I wanted to encourage people to follow Ramona’s example. I believed she could inspire many women, but I didn’t imagine they would go so viral,” she confesses.

That video has already reached a million and a half views and, in view of the success caused, they did not hesitate to continue making videos together. “At first it was for entertainment. It was about a month later when ‘Fit y Empoderadas’ was born,” says Ainara.

They make specific exercise routines, meal plans, motivational content to revitalize mind and body… and They even have a waiting list to join their ‘club’ of “empowered” women. Neither Ramona nor Ainara see the end of all this. For them, this is just the beginning, and they believe that success is due to the fact that they do not transform bodies, but rather people. “I always say it. I don’t change physiques. I transform women“, says Ainara.

“Not even my grandchildren keep up with me”

Now she considers herself “truly famous”, although she assures that she has always attracted attention. In Andorra they looked at her in disbelief on the street, because Ramona has always been the center of attention. “I have always liked to dress well, elegantly, and seeing a lady with this style on the streets of Andorra… is not normal. Some turned to look at me with a look of ‘who could it be?’“.

Now that success has been consecrated thanks to social networks, and Ramona says that she is “delighted.” “I have always liked to look cute everywhere, and now also to the gym. Thanks to the networks I have now managed to reach more people, but I already considered myself famous before.“, he says between laughs.

For her this is not entirely new, and it is that At a very young age he already had his ‘first steps’ as a model, although he never formally dedicated himself to it.. “I was a businesswoman by profession, but I have always been interested in the world of fashion,” she confesses. Now he is an icon, both in fashion and in fitness.

He shows off his great body wherever he can and, sometimes, he likes to challenge others. “Many times my grandchildren and my children try to keep up with me, but they can’t”he assures. He states that “they find it very funny” that their grandmother is so well-known and that, even, “people are surprised that their grandmother is me.”

Now, together with Ainara, the numbers are skyrocketing and, of course, a very promising future is predicted for them. You feel the complicity they have between them “because we are both of the same zodiac sign.”

Catering to each other, they say goodbye, ready to continue transforming women. But first, they don’t forget to give some advice: “You have to take care of your body, but also your head. Exercise and a healthy life are decisive, but, in the end, this is also mental. Women, you have to accept each other as they are, never forget it.“.

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