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What are the most common defects of each sign in a relationship?

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What are the most common defects of each sign in a relationship?

Relationships aren’t easy for anyone, but if the Zodiac has something to say about it, things can get even more complicated. Each sign brings with it its own set of flaws that, although we adore them, can turn a relationship into a real battlefield. We’re not here to tell you the typical; We are going to talk about those behaviors that make you, sometimes, want to throw in the towel. What flaws are the ones that really drive your partner crazy? What are the most common defects of each zodiac sign in a relationship? Here we tell you, sign by sign, what that “Achilles heel” is that makes maintaining peace in the relationship a challenge… and, of course, with a touch of humor so that it doesn’t hurt so much to recognize it. Let the truth begin!

Aries: The misunderstood genius (and his damn drama)

Aries, you are brilliant, no one denies it. The problem is that your brilliance comes with an uncontrollable fury that leaves anyone shaking. It’s not that you’re not right most of the time, but your way of saying things is, shall we say, undiplomatic. If someone dares to contradict you, you become a volcano of emotions that destroys everything in its path. And if that were not enough, even if you act tough, everything hurts three times as much. Drama is part of your DNA, but be careful: if you keep wanting to always be right, you will end up arguing with yourself.

Taurus: The professional conformist

Ah, Taurus. Your flaw in relationships is that you love comfort. So much so that sometimes you become an immobile rock, completely unable to take risks. Why change if everything is “fine” as it is, right? Well no. That fear of leaving your comfort zone ends up drowning anyone who crosses your path. A lack of ambition in a relationship can be suffocating, and your partner will probably end up wanting to jump out the window rather than put up with your eternal laziness. If you continue like this, the only thing you’re going to achieve is that they leave you for someone who dares to lift a finger without thinking twice.

Gemini: The emotional roller coaster

Gemini, where do we start? Your intensity is legendary, but not always in a good way. One day you are madly in love and the next day you wonder if this relationship has a future. Sometimes your partner doesn’t know if he or she is in a passionate romance or a horror movie. That way of changing your mind like someone changing clothes drives anyone crazy. Your biggest flaw in a relationship is that you never know what day you are on. Today I love you, tomorrow I’ll think about it. Consistency is not your strong suit, and that can be frustrating.

Cancer: The queen/king of emotional drama

Cancer, your sensitivity is endearing, but in love…what a roller coaster! When you give yourself over, you do it with everything, but that “everything” includes a combo of fear, obsession, and emotional self-destruction. You are an expert at creating drama out of nothing, looking for problems where there are none. If you feel insecure, be careful! Because your partner will be dealing with a tsunami of uncontrollable emotions. Your inner traumas and fears often become the center of the relationship, and your need for protection sometimes suffocates those next to you. Oh, and that fear of losing… Oh my God!

Leo: The real drama

Leo, your biggest flaw in relationships is your stubbornness. When you think you’re right, you shut down, and, by the way, you always think you are. If we add to this your love for drama, we already have the perfect cocktail for an emotional storm. You make a spectacle of an argument, and if you don’t get what you want, the whole world has to suffer. Although the worst thing is that, deep down, you often exaggerate. You love running the show, but you don’t realize that this eternal drama tires anyone.

Virgo: The relentless critic

Virgo, if something is not done your way, it is wrong. It’s that simple. Your perfectionism leads you to criticize absolutely everything, and in a relationship this can be true hell. If things are not done according to your instruction manual, then they are worthless. The problem is that your criticism isn’t exactly gentle, and you end up making your partner feel like they’re never enough. Also, sometimes you can be a little fake. Yes, we said it. Fake. Because you can smile while inside you think everything is a mess. Your partner notices it, and believe me, he doesn’t like it.

Libra: Fear of ridicule

Libra, your biggest flaw in relationships is your constant fear of making mistakes. You are always in tension, worried about what others think of you, especially your partner. You fear making a fool of yourself, and that leads you to avoid conflicts until you explode. Your obsession with harmony prevents you from making clear decisions, and this drives the other person crazy. Not everything can be balance, Libra, sometimes you have to get wet, and if you continue with that constant fear of failing, you will never get anywhere.

Scorpio: The master of control

Scorpio, your flaw is, without a doubt, your need to control everything. When you feel threatened, you can become a cruel being who has no qualms about hurting. You know how to hit where it hurts the most, and the worst thing is that you don’t care. Your impulsiveness, combined with your coldness, is a bomb in relationships. When you want to do harm, your pulse doesn’t tremble. And of course, there is also that little problem with jealousy. If you don’t control your darker side, you can destroy any relationship without leaving a trace.

Sagittarius: The uncontrolled impetus

Sagittarius, your biggest flaw is your bad temper when things don’t go your way. You are explosive, and when you get angry, everyone around you suffers the consequences. Your screams and your anger can turn any space into a battlefield. And it’s not just that: when you get angry, the bad atmosphere can last for hours, even days. Your impetus plays tricks on you, and although you regret it later, your partner may get tired of that toxic climate that you create when you lose your temper.

Capricorn: The emotional manipulator

Capricorn, your most notable flaw in a relationship is your ability to manipulate. When you want, you are able to turn any situation around and make the other person feel guilty, even when you are the one to blame. You have an impressive ability to turn the tables, making your partner believe that she is the one who has done something wrong. That emotional dependence you generate is toxic, and if you continue playing with the minds of others, you risk being left alone.

Aquarius: The intellectual cold

Aquarius, your biggest flaw is your apparent lack of emotions. Sometimes it seems like you are completely disconnected from what your partner is feeling. It’s not that you don’t have feelings, it’s that you hide them so well that it’s as if they don’t exist. And then there is your intellectual ego. You think you’re smarter than everyone else, and you don’t hesitate to let your partner know it. That “I’m superior” attitude can end up exhausting whoever you’re with. Sometimes, being a little more humble and showing a little empathy wouldn’t hurt.

Pisces: Emotional chaos

Pisces, your biggest flaw is your emotional instability. You are the sign of water, but sometimes you seem like an ocean in a storm. One day you say one thing, the next you do another, and then you contradict yourself without realizing it. This creates constant confusion in your relationships, and your partner never knows what to expect. Your mood swings are unpredictable, and sometimes you get so lost in your thoughts that you disconnect from reality. This can be frustrating for those next to you.

In short, we all have flaws, but the zodiac signs make sure those flaws are clearly visible in relationships. The trick to survival? Know yourself, accept your failures and, above all, not take yourself so seriously. Because, in the end, the Zodiac also has a sense of humor.

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