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Psychiatrists warn of the perfect storm of mental health

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Psychiatrists warn of the perfect storm of mental health

San Sebastián, Oct 16 (EFE).- Psychiatrists have warned this Wednesday of the “critical situation” of mental health in Spain, which is experiencing a “perfect storm” due to the increase in the prevalence of less serious mental disorders, the crisis of Primary Care and the lack of professionals, aggravated by upcoming retirements that will not be able to be replaced at least until 2030.

perfect storm

This will be one of the topics that will be analyzed at the XVII National Congress of Psychiatry, which will be held between October 17 and 19 at the Kursaal Conference Center in San Sebastián, organized by the Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SEPSM). and the Spanish Foundation of Psychiatry and Mental Health (FEPSM) in which more than 1,700 people participate.

The appointment was presented this Wednesday at a press conference by the president of the SEPSM, Manuel Martín Carrasco, the vice president of this entity, Marina Díaz Marsá, and the professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and psychiatrist of the Service Vasco de Salud, Ana González-Pinto.

Mental health

Around 29% of the population suffers from some mental health disorder, although 95% are common cases such as anxiety or mild depression, and only 5% constitute serious conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe depression or personality disorders.

The increase in the prevalence of mental health problems among young people and adolescents has registered an increase of between 2 or 3% in the last ten years, especially after the pandemic.

“It was expected that older people would be more affected, but it was shown that this age segment has more resilience and is more prepared for adversity, which is why, except for people with a chronic illness, they coped better,” he indicated.

Increase in prevalence

After Covid, emergencies recorded a “surprising” increase in self-harm and other disorders among young people.
Four years later “the situation has normalized and has improved but the prevalence has increased.”

Added to this situation is the crisis in Primary Care, which essentially receives the bulk of consultations and is responsible for screening between serious and minor conditions, Carrasco indicated.
The picture is completed by a lack of professionals, Carrasco added.

The president of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SEPM), Manuel Martín Carrasco (c), the vice president, Marina Díaz Marsa (i), and the psychiatrist from Osakidetza and professor at the UPV/EHU, Ana González-Pinto ( d), present the XXVII National Congress of Psychiatry. EFE/Javi Colmenero

The average number of psychiatrists in Spain is 12 per hundred thousand inhabitants, below the 18 average of the countries of the Organization for Cooperation and Development, although the distribution is unequal, with communities such as the Basque Country where the average is 14.99.

The WHO recommends a ratio of 15 per 100,000, a level for which the incorporation of between 370 and 565 psychiatrists per year would be required from 2021 to 2026, according to SEPSM estimates.

“It is estimated that 20% of current professionals will retire in the coming years and will not be able to be replaced in the short term, since the specialty went from 4 to 5 years,” indicated Carrasco.

Lack of psychiatrists

Furthermore, the lack of psychiatrists is global, which is why many “emigrate” to other countries where they are offered better salary and working conditions.

“There are a few critical years left until 2030 or 2031, when it is expected to begin to improve,” said Carrasco.
The president of the SEPSM has indicated that he tried to meet with the Minister of Health, Mónica García, but “he has not received them” and has explained that he presented in the corresponding commission of the Congress of Deputies measures that they consider could help but “they have not had answer”.

Assistance forum

The need to differentiate between discomfort and psychiatric disorder that can clog Primary Care is another of the topics that the congress will analyze in the Care Forum that will take place this Wednesday, the day before the start of the sessions.

In this sense, González Pinto has indicated that the key is prevention, “which is not carried out in the health system”, emotional education and the promotion of resilience in schools.

Occupational health

Mental health prevention must also be carried out in the workplace and occupational health should include preventive strategies in this area. Leaves related to psychiatric disorders amounted to 600,814 in 2023 with an average duration of 111 days.

Reducing cannabis consumption, “clearly related to some psychotic outbreaks”, raising awareness about bullying and the abuse of social networks and pornography that can be the cause of problems are other relevant aspects of prevention, Marina indicated. Díaz Marsá. EFE

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