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Madrid defends its waiting list plan and highlights advances in mental health

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Madrid defends its waiting list plan and highlights advances in mental health

During the Health Commission of the Community of Madrid, deputy Belén González Moreno, from the Vox Parliamentary Group in Madrid, has requested information from the regional Government about the status of the waiting list plan in force in the Community of Madrid for the period 2022-2024. González has highlighted that waiting lists continue to be a problem throughout Spain, but has emphasized the need to know the specific advances in the region. The general director of Health, Almudena Álvarez, has stated that, thanks to the plan, Waiting times in the Community of Madrid remain among the lowest nationwidewith a average surgical waiting list of 59.76 days until September 30 that the most updated data is known.

According to Álvarez, the plan, designed to reduce surgical and diagnostic waiting listshas been structured into four main axes that have allowed the management and efficiency of the Madrid health system to be optimized. The measures include the review of guidelines for patient prioritization, the analysis of attendance at health centers, and close collaboration between primary and hospital care to reduce time in the most critical care processes. Besides, Protocols have been implemented to improve operating room managementas well as efficiency in diagnostic and therapeutic activity, the director has assured.

Among the measures, the promotion of telemedicine and the promotion of high-resolution consultations to improve care adapted to the needs of patients and healthcare professionalsÁlvarez has pointed out. Furthermore, he assured that, despite the challenges, the Community of Madrid has managed to position itself as one of the best-rated regions in terms of waiting list management, optimizing resources without the need for significant additional investments.

Health personnel in new health centers

The deputy Carlos Moreno Vinués, of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, has requested the Government details on the provision of health personnel in the 16 new health centers planned to be built in the Community of Madrid during this legislature. The General Director of Health explained that the Government Council authorized the contract for these works on July 24, which will begin shortly in nine municipalities in the region. Álvarez has pointed out that The new centers are expected to join the healthcare network in 2026with modern infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment, to respond to population growth and improve both the quality of care and the working conditions of the staff.

Álvarez has indicated that In some cases these centers will be built to replace or refurbish buildings that are no longer suitable for current demand, while, in other cases, seeks to create new basic health zones due to urban growth. The director has assured that the population will continue to be cared for in nearby centers, with the appropriate health personnel to cover the needs. In centers that replace others, staff will be transferred, and in new centers, professionals will come from team splits and new hires as necessary. In addition, the assignment of personnel will be carried out based on health planning criteria to guarantee accessibility and quality of service, Álvarez has assured.

Strategic Plan for Mental Health and Addictions 2022-2024

During the session, Almudena Álvarez appeared on behalf of the Minister of Health, Fátima Matute, at the request of the Vox Parliamentary Group, to offer an assessment of the Strategic Plan for Mental Health and Addictions 2022-2024. Álvarez has highlighted that the plan, approved in December 2022 and structured into 94 objectives and 287 actions, It is in its validity period, so a global evaluation has not yet been carried out.although there are partial evaluations that show significant advances. This plan, as stated by the counselor in her letter, has been prepared with the participation of various actors, including scientific societies and patient associations, and focuses on strategic lines that range from care for serious mental disorders and children’s mental health. and youth, to prevention and humanization of treatment.

Álvarez has stressed, on behalf of Matute, that the actions of the plan include the creation of new day hospitals for adolescents and the expansion of short-term hospitalization unitsas well as the reinforcement of teams specialized in suicide prevention and in child and adolescent mental health care. 370 professionals have also been incorporated into psychiatry and mental health services, with structural positions to consolidate the workforce in response to growing demand. In addition, he has mentioned the implementation of specific units, such as the new Amitea Unit at the Getafe Hospital for patients with autism spectrum disorder and the Addictive Behavior Prevention Unit at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, highlighting that, although the progress is positive, Some actions are in development and will continue to be implemented to meet the proposed objectives.

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