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Each lifestyle has its own entrepreneurship

Each lifestyle has its own entrepreneurship

VALENCIA. Lifestyle, or lifestyle, is a broad concept that encompasses the customs, values, beliefs and habits that define the way of life of a person or group. In most cases it is influenced by factors such as age, gender, social class, culture and geographical location. It is understood, then, that the field of cultivation for entrepreneurs in this area is large.

Associated with values ​​and currents of thought, numerous and diverse perspectives on knowledge, ethics and life in general coexist. One of them emphasizes diversity and personal experimentation. This is aligned with a plurality of projects that seek to provide new and impressive experiences that fill clients’ heads with unique and unforgettable memories.

The tourism sector is one of those that bets the highest in the experience market, entering into a kind of bidding to see who gives the most. This leads to proposals such as Eos-X and their trips in what they call near space with helium balloon flights up to 40 km. in height.

On the opposite side, for lovers of simplicity and everyday life, entrepreneurs like Cristina Contreras find their opportunity, with the initiative of Travel Eslou of tourism rooted in crafts and popular knowledge.

In contact with nature and social distancing, the offer of gampling where companies like Kampaohfounded in 2016 as the first national startup dedicated to tent-based accommodation with extra comfort and style and which aims to close 2024 with a turnover of 40M euros.

The wellness

Wellness and beauty is another sector that gives a lot of play to lifestyle entrepreneurs also marked by a clear preference for what is natural. Thus, in Get Sill They say they face the problem of androgenic alopecia from a different perspective. To reverse it, they develop 100% natural products with a success rate similar to hormonal or other treatments, but without side effects. “We formulate our own products, we share updated information on health, hair loss and habits that help us in our daily lives to look better, to recover our hair and skin health,” they say.

Likewise with the accent placed on the natural, Sara Werner, CEO and co-founder of Cocunat, has managed to place its digital native brand all over the world with its ‘toxic free’ cosmetics wrapped in ecological packaging. 65% of its sales come from the international market and it has already made the leap to physical expansion with the opening of its own establishments.


Here too, the offer is wide and diverse with a growing concern for healthy food that sometimes borders on paroxysms to the point of generating eating disorders, a phenomenon already coined as orthorexia.

In support of maximum food customization, companies such as Epixlife, a Spanish e-health platform in which they develop individual nutritional and well-being programs that are supported by bioinformation according to gene expression. They offer a test and a customized report that is done through the analysis of 5 strands of hair with relevant and accurate information for people who want to improve their health, athletes and vegans.

The business idea of Nootric, For its part, it uses artificial intelligence to design diets adapted to the health status and lifestyle of each user. They direct the tool both to the end client and to corporations – insurers, gyms or health companies – interested in offering the app as a value-added service. Another new application to customize diets corresponds to Oorenji with a holistic vision that ranges from weight control to sports performance and mental health.

For the urbanites

But not everyone wants to flee to the countryside and get away from the noise, as there are some who prefer the asphalt. Thinking of those who, instead of walking, prefer to slide on a board and do pirouettes in the air on it, Esteban Velarde Quesada opened his store Paradis Skate shop where they sell everything a skater could need, “except the underwear.”

In the musical field, Asier Fernández and Pedro Henrique fight to grow the discipline of freestyle to rap improvised. For this they founded Urban Roostersa streaming hip hop competition platform that promotes the Freestyle Master Series (FMS), a professional freestyle improvisation league with which they have crossed borders with replicas in Argentina, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Colombia and the Caribbean .

For those looking for action and linked to sport, an opportunity also arises in what is known as surfskating where they use a type of skateboard that allows them to perform on the cement the movements and turns that we are used to seeing on a surfboard. They are dedicated to renting this specific type of boards and teaching this discipline. Ungravity.

Many young people also find the practice of parkour challenging. It consists of moving from one point in the environment to another without touching the ground in the simplest and most efficient way possible, adapting to its demands with the sole help of your body. Parkour is practiced both individually and collectively in any environment, not exclusively in urban spaces.

Although there are centers indoor Conditioned for learning, their natural habitat is outdoors. Learning it does require, however, a professional experienced in this practice considered risky and incorporated as a new sport since 2017 by the International Gymnastics Federation. To train their practitioners, companies such as Free3Movementexperts in parkour, acrobatics and climbing, or ourpak, in Barcelona.

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