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The Government subdelegate asks the civil guards to strengthen the relationship with the citizen: “Talk and ask how you can help them”

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The Government subdelegate asks the civil guards to strengthen the relationship with the citizen: "Talk and ask how you can help them"

The subdelegate of the Government in Soria, Miguel Latorre, has pointed out in his speech on the occasion of the celebration of the Patroness of the Civil Guard, the Virgen del Pilar, that “October 12 is a holiday for the Civil Guard, but also for many men and women of Soriano who share this celebration, taking advantage of the occasion to praise and recognize the effectiveness, loyalty, professionalism and extraordinary vocation for public service of the women and men who have made up this Corps since its creation in 1844.”

His first words were to “recognize the work and work of the Roca Team of the Civil Guard of Soria, awarded this week with the “Numancia Prize for Social Values” awarded by El Mundo-Diario de Soria, and of which, as deputy delegate of the Government, I feel especially proud. Since its creation in 2013 to specifically combat robberies in the countryside, they have ensured the well-being of the people of our towns.”

Regarding the Roca Team, Latorre added that “with their help, the security of agricultural farms has been increased through permanent surveillance and greater communication with the affected groups. In provinces as extensive and unpopulated as Soria, whose population centers have agriculture and livestock as their main activities, their work is highly valued and appreciated. Congratulations”.

And this congratulation has led the subdelegate to encourage all members of the Civil Guard staff in Soria to “continue on that path, making our province one of the safest provinces in Spain, in which it is worth it.” to live and to be worth serving.”

The official celebrations of the patron saint of the Civil Guard have taken place with the threat of rain and have consisted of the review of the force in formation, the imposition of decorations, speeches by the subdelegate of the Government and the lieutenant colonel chief of the Command of Soria, tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain, singing of the Civil Guard anthem and parade of force.

Staff covered at 96%

Miguel Latorre has told them that they will “always count on the support of this government to continue growing in resources and staff, using all the tools at our disposal to reverse situations such as those that, in the recent past, represented a temporary reduction of troops in one of the 19 barracks that the province has, not citizen security patrols, thanks to your professionalism.”

He has been convinced that “today we can proudly say that this stage has been overcome. That is why we want to publicly thank the willingness of the General Directorate of the Civil Guard to listen to and attend to the needs of Soria in terms of personnel, a problem that also affects other provinces that have positions that are difficult to fill, and that these have been resolved. recent months with the assignment of destinations in the largest offer of vacancies that has been made in our province in recent times.”

Latorre, who thanked those present at the event for their presence, recalled that “with the recent incorporation this week of 16 civil guard trainees, the coverage of the staff in the Soria Command reaches historic levels, exceeding 95 percent. hundred”.

Crime figures and clarifications

Statistics indicate that Soria is below the average in terms of the crime rate in Spain and far exceeds the average in the rate of solved crimes. “However – pointed out the subdelegate – it is inevitable that when some continuous robberies occur in specific periods and areas, the population feels a certain insecurity. For this reason we want to insist on working more directly, if possible, on those aspects that allow the population to be aware that the Civil Guard is present, that you are close people with a spirit of service and that you are there to ensure their safety. Talk, interact with people, ask in the meeting places of the towns what their concerns are and how you can help them. In this way, the margins of citizen collaboration will also be expanded, something essential to be able to prevent crimes and, if they have already been committed, arrest the guilty.”

The deployment of the Civil Guard in Soria covers 182 municipalities, excluding the capital, and around 500 urban centers. From Almazán, El Burgo de Osma or Ólvega, towns with the largest population, to the smallest ones far from the capital. According to the representative of the Government of Spain in the province, “in this way, the Civil Guard bases its work on the right of every person to receive a quality public service, regardless of where they live or how many people live. The demographic challenge, one of the priority axes that the Government of Spain is addressing, also includes the protection of areas with low population densities. And here the civil guard becomes a key actor, transferring the presence of the State in areas where you are, on many occasions, the only reference in security. And of course the best human capital to guarantee the rights and freedoms of all Sorians who reside in rural areas.”

Civil Guards in Lebanon

Before concluding, Latorre had “a moving memory of those who gave their lives in an act of service. And also to the civil guards who no longer wear the uniform and to those who, for reasons of the service they provide, are away from their families. “All our appreciation and affection for them, which we extend to their loved ones, who are the ones who suffer the most from their absence.”

Likewise, he remembered “the civil guards members of the United Nations mission in Lebanon, who, together with members of the Spanish armed forces and despite the attacks they are suffering in recent days, give us all the best example of professionalism” .

Regarding the war in the Middle East, Latorre did not want to miss the opportunity to echo “a common sentiment that I am sure a large part of the citizens of this province share, and which is none other than condemning violations of international law and asking with all force an immediate permanent ceasefire in the Middle East and in all conflict zones, at a time when it is more necessary than ever to vindicate the validity of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Resolutions as a framework of reference in the search for a safer, more prosperous and just world.”

The subdelegate congratulated all those awarded this ceremony: “You are undoubtedly an example not only for your colleagues, but for the entire society you serve. Due to the distinctions with which you have just been recognized and as subdelegate of the Government in the province of Soria, I undoubtedly collect the feelings of all those present to congratulate you and share with you the pride of working for and for the citizens.”

And he also thanked the Soria City Council, “the visible head of the residents of this city, for the extraordinary welcome and the facilities they provide us, one more year, so that the event can take place in this magnificent location.”

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