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the support of his wife and three children and a truncated return to bullfighting

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El diestro Morante de la Puebla junto a su esposa, Elisabeth Garrido, en una boda en 2016.

It was his dreamthis is how he expressed it to his closest surroundings, but it could not be: the right-handed José Antonio Morante de la Puebla (45 years) will cause loss in The Maestranzathis Saturday, October 12, in tribute to Romero (90). Morante did not lose hope until the end, but his health does not allow him to dress in lights.

THE SPANISH has confirmed that the reason for its cancellation has to do with its health problems. De la Puebla will be replaced by the bullfighter from Salteras Manuel Jesus El Cid (50). The right-hander is not going through a good moment. The truth is that he has been battling his ailments for years – close to 20 – mental health.

The right-hander suffers a disease that has been dragging on for decades. Specifically, it is a personality disorder and bipolarity. His weak state It even took him to withdraw a long time in 2004. These ailments have reappeared in recent times, forcing the matador to follow a strict treatment.

Morante de la Puebla and his wife, Elisabeth, in an image taken in April 2018.

Morante de la Puebla and his wife, Elisabeth, in an image taken in April 2018. Gtres

The doctors who treat him recommended that he resume the practice of his profession, but there are stages that are not easy. Last June his representative, Pedro Marquesannounced the following: “Does not respond to antidepressants And also in recent days we have done all kinds of tests on him. “His legs were failing him and he felt powerless.”

It was then, before the summer, when Morante retired from the ring indefinitely. It was time to take care of yourself, recover. What I was going to do this Saturday in La Maestranza was something special, punctual, a gesture of affection and admiration towards Currowhom he loves so much.

Morante de la Puebla, receiving an award in Seville, last February.

Morante de la Puebla, receiving an award in Seville, last February. Gtres

Whoever knows Morante’s situation points out that his situation is and state is changing. He could be seen visibly affected last February when he went to pick up the Andalusia Bullfighting Awardalong with Curro Romero, but later he continued fighting in different bullrings.

The person EL ESPAÑOL contacted highlights the great importance of family for José Antonio. At his side, unconditionally, are his wife, Elisabeth Garridoand their three children. That is the support networkthe hold where De la Puebla takes refuge in its worst moments. Those who know detail that Garrido does not leave her husband alone during his various bullfights.

On the line, she is always there. She is one of the few bullfighters’ wives who accompanies her husband to the bullring. Always discreet, Elisabeth, a native of Puebla del Río -Seville-, the place to which the right-hander owes half of his name, is Morante’s second wife in 14 years. The duo had known each other since they were both children. They married on November 2, 2010 after just a year of dating.

The ceremony took place at the Hacienda Los Ángeles, in the town of Alcalá de Guadaira. Around 150 guests were witnesses of love. This was not as massive a match as the first one the Andalusian starred in. Among the attendees, there were some familiar faces such as Curro Vazquez. The happy couple has two daughters: Maria (13) and Lola (11).

He joins the family Jose Antonio (17), Morante’s first-born son, the result of his past love affair with Cynthia Antunez. With Antúnez, José Antonio made his debut in the vicarage in 2005. The love did not last long: in 2008 they divorced. That was also a turbulent time for the right-hander, as he faced a severe depression which even caused him to temporarily retire from bullfighting.

Those who know and frequent the De la Puebla Garrido couple say that, despite everything, or perhaps precisely because of that everything, José Antonio and Elisabeth are very united. They are a life team. The family resides in San Antonio Gardena property that the right-handed man owns and that, over time, he carefully conditioned: installed a soccer field and a shopping plaza.

This famous estate suffered a spectacular fire back in 2019, just after some vandals painted graffiti aimed at the bullfighter, perhaps motivated by Morante’s alleged political inclination with the party. Vox. On another level, Morante and his current wife are owners of a well-known cocktail bar, The Chapel.

This establishment enjoys a great popularity in the town, and great friends of Morante travel there, and bull fans, who are sometimes received by the bullfighter himself behind the bar. Elisabeth knows the bullfighting environment well since she was born in a place with a great livestock tradition and cradle of great bullfighters.

Morante’s other casualties

Morante was also unable to perform on September 29 at the third celebration of the San Miguel Fair being replaced by Pablo Aguado to accompany, along with Juan Ortega (34), to the rejoneador Pablo Hermoso from Mendoza at his farewell to the Plaza de la Maestranza.

The right-hander from La Puebla remained announced as the headliner of the festival this October 12, although the growing rumors They suggested that he would not be able to face that commitment while he continues to recover from the psychiatric disorders which forced him to cut the season in August.

Morante, in the Guadalajara bullring, this year 2024.

Morante, in the Guadalajara bullring, this year 2024. Gtres

With this absence a season full of intermittence that has been marked by the upsurge of those mental health problems that have tormented the La Puebla bullfighter for more than two decades.

Morante had already circumstantially interrupted his campaign before making the parade in Seville on the afternoon of Easter Sunday. But the bullfighter, who evidenced the problem in his appearance and professional performance, would be forced to cut his losses. between June 1 and July 23date on which it reappeared in Santander in artistic plenitude.

A long month of high-level performances followed, but everything would begin to go wrong on August 28 in Linares -Jaén-, the same day that commemorated the anniversary of the fatal capture of Manoleteas a result of falling off the poster in the Manzanares union due to alleged disagreements with the presidency of the celebration and the veterinary team.

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