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What are the best home remedies to eliminate fleas and ticks in dogs?

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What are the best home remedies to eliminate fleas and ticks in dogs?

Pet owners face the challenge of fighting fleas and ticks, parasites that feed on the blood of animals and can cause serious illnesses (Getty)
Pet owners face the challenge of fighting fleas and ticks, parasites that feed on the blood of animals and can cause serious illnesses (Getty)

The fleas and ticks are one significant concern for dog ownerssince these parasites not only feed on the blood of animals, but can also cause serious diseases.

To combat fleas in the home, there are fogger sprayswhich disperse the insecticide in a fine mist that penetrates areas where fleas and their larvae can hide.

Regarding direct treatment in pets, there are several options such as pipettes, flea collars and tablets. Each of these products has specific mechanics of action, providing everything from repellency to the active elimination of fleas by preventing them from feeding on the pet’s blood.

The necklaces and pipettes, In particular, they are notable for their double effect, acting not only against fleas, but some of them also repel mosquitoes. However, it is important, according to experts, to choose the right product for each species, since what is safe for a dog can be toxic for a cat.

That is why they arise in this context, the home remedies as an option. However, you always have to consult with a professional.

For the direct treatment of pets against fleas, pipettes, flea collars and tablets are available, each with a specific mechanism of action (Getty)
For the direct treatment of pets against fleas, pipettes, flea collars and tablets are available, each with a specific mechanism of action (Getty)

According to MedlinePlus, a site of the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health (NIH, for its acronym in English), “fleas prefer to live on cats and dogs.” Because? Because “they are small insects that feed on the blood of humans, dogs, cats and other warm-blooded animals.”

Along these lines, as explained in a note with Infobae he Prof. Dr. Juan Enrique Romeroit is crucial to address the problem of flea infestation comprehensively, treating both the environment where pets live and the animals themselves.

“This preventive and therapeutic approach is essential because fleas They lay their eggs outside the animals, which means that removing them exclusively from the pet’s body does not solve the root problem,” he said. Furthermore, the doctor Rosemary He highlighted that each species of pet, such as dogs and cats, requires specific treatments since some anti-flea products can be harmful if applied incorrectly.

It is essential to seek advice from professionals regarding these problems (Illustrative image Infobae)
It is essential to seek advice from professionals regarding these problems (Illustrative image Infobae)

Information from MedlinePlus indicates that flea problems may “not always be preventable”: “The goal is to get rid of the fleas. This can be done by treating your home, pets, and other outdoor areas with chemicals (pesticides).

Under these precepts, from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), noted: “There are hundreds of pesticides, repellents and growth inhibitors to protect your pet from flea and tick bites. Some of these products can only be purchased through a veterinarian; others can be purchased without a prescription. Flea and tick products range from oral pills and chews to collars, sprays, dips, shampoos, powders and spot-ons, liquid products applied to the skin. dog or cat, usually between the shoulder blades or on the back.


On the other hand, there is the possibility of resorting, at least temporarily, to a homemade alternative. An example? Citrus fruits such as lemon and orange. The effectiveness of these techniques lies in the natural components of citrus fruits, which release acids capable of repelling fleas. Gently rubbing lemon or orange on pets’ skin can be useful to prevent this problem. In any case, it is essential to seek advice from a professional.

Tick ​​activity increases in warm seasons, making dogs ideal hosts for these parasites / Marijan Murat/dpa
Tick ​​activity increases in warm seasons, making dogs ideal hosts for these parasites / Marijan Murat/dpa

Ticks are a threat to dogs, especially during the summer months when high temperatures favor their appearance. “These parasites, which can vary in size, affect dogs by feeding on their blood, which, apart from causing discomfort and skin irritationsexposes them to serious diseases such as ehrlichiosis and the babesiosis”, held Rosemary in another note with Infobae

The activity of these parasites intensifies in warm seasons, making dogs an ideal target for their feeding. The smaller males, along with the females, who need blood for the development of their eggs, find canines a preferred host.

The main concern lies in the pathologies that they can transmit, among them ehrlichiosis and babesiosis.infections that can represent a significant challenge in terms of diagnosis and treatment. “Additionally, these parasites cause anemia and severe itching in affected animals,” added the expert.

Tick ​​prevention and control are crucial to protecting dogs’ health, especially during the warmer periods of the year when their presence is more frequent. Early identification and appropriate treatment are essential to avoid the transmission of these diseases, as well as to mitigate the discomfort that these parasites can cause in animals. Information on preventive measures and treatment options is invaluable for pet owners concerned about the well-being of their four-legged companions.

Lemon juice could be an alternative against ticks, in some cases (Getty)
Lemon juice could be an alternative against ticks, in some cases (Getty)


Lemon juice, known for its repellent properties, can be used against ticks by mixing it with water. This solution should be applied to the pet’s fur using a suitable container for its dispersion. It is important to consult a professional.

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, a common cooking ingredient, may be effective against mites. To take advantage of its benefits, you must prepare a mixture with water and apply it to the skin of domestic animals using a tissue moistened in the solution.

In any of the above cases, you must go to a professional for proper advice.

On the other hand, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “the use of pesticides can reduce the number of ticks in treated areas of your yard. However, fumigation should not be relied upon to reduce the risk of infection. When using pesticides, always follow the directions on the label. Before spraying, consult with local agricultural or health officials.”

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