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the celebrities who have made mental health most visible

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De izquierda a derecha, Vega, Ángel Martín, Mercedes Milá y Andrés Iniesta.

There are still many taboos to talk openly about the mental problems suffered by a high percentage of the world’s population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 9% have some imbalance and 25% will have it at some point in their lives. The data is alarming since it is expected that mental health problems will be the main cause of disability in the world in 2030.

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day celebrated on October 10 It is worth remembering that among these percentages are hidden numerous well-known faces who in recent years have become emboldened by confessing their different illnesses. They assure that in this way they would like to raise awareness in society. The different types of disorders are depression, bipolarity, attention deficit and hyperactivity, anorexia…

Those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) include David Beckham (49 years old), who on more than one occasion has said that he waits until the whole family goes to sleep to order some consumer items. “Everything must be arranged in a straight line and they must be even. When I put the soft drinks in the refrigerator they must be even because if they are odd I remove one and put it in a different cabinet”. In the documentary about him released on Neflix, he assures that “when everyone is sleeping, I go around cleaning the candles, I turn on the lights correctly, I make sure that everything is organized. Because I hate going downstairs in the morning and there being cups, plates and bowls”.

In the political sphere, donald trump (78) He suffers from germophobia since he needs to wash his hands constantly. For this reason, on more than one occasion the former president of the United States has avoided shaking hands for fear of catching some type of infection. Cleanliness and order freaks also include Leonardo DiCaprio (49) and Justin Timberlake (43).

It is important to make it clear that if you go to a specialist, whether in the field of psychiatry or psychology, there are treatments to achieve fulfillment in life. And even achieve fame and wealth. Among those with Attention Deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Pablo Motos (59), who in an interview with The Country He said bluntly that “I was an undiagnosed hyperactive child. I spent my life trying to do something bad, break something (…). PLittle by little I began to enter a very complicated world, which means that I began to commit crimes… I thought about my friends and realized that those who weren’t in jail were dead, and I started to think about it. Anyway, what focused me was that they bought me a guitar. …Suddenly, I discovered the best on the radio, Iñaki Gabilondo and Luis del Olmo (…)”.

Donald Trump.

TO Fernando Verdasco (40) He also did not mind admitting that he suffers from ADHD and, in his case, tennis helped him to channel his energy and, of course, to focus on what is really important in life. In February 2022, Isabel Preysler’s son-in-law (73) had a problem while competing in Brazil when he tested positive in a test since he was taking methylphedinate, a substance legally prescribed to treat his ailment. He was banned for two months. Also Dani Martin (47) had a hard time during his childhood when he lost concentration during his studies and spread himself too thin in class. His parents were instrumental in coping with everything.

Singer Adam Levine has suffered from it since he was a child, which made it seriously difficult for him to do his schoolwork. When he got fully into music, the singer and songwriter opened up saying that “sometimes I had trouble writing songs and recording in the studio. I couldn’t always concentrate and complete everything I had to do. I remember being in the studio once and have 30 ideas in my head (…)”. International faces who have broken records in their disciplines and who have ADHD include Simone Biles (27), the most decorated gymnast and Olympic champion of all time and the swimmer Michael Phelps (39), also the most awarded at the Olympics; the billionaire founder of Windows Bill Gates (68) was such a bad student due to his disorder that he was forced to drop out of Harvard University and Walt Disney, the king of animation, was so absent-minded that he was fired from work. But his concentration problems were channeled through drawing.

Among the main variants of mental disorders, Bipolarity and depression cause real havoc. In 2011, Catherine Zeta-Jones (55) publicly confessed that she was a bipolar person: “This is a disorder that affects millions of people and I am one of them. If the revelation of having bipolar II disorder has encouraged anyone to seek help, then it’s worth it. There is no need to suffer in silence and there is no shame in asking for help.”. She became admitted. Her bravery was supported by her husband, Michael Douglas (80), who said that at that time the Oscar winner “was brave to accept what was happening to her… My oldest son is arrested, my ex-wife is suing me and I had cancer.” It was difficult for her to tell me ‘I have depression.’

Actress Catherine Zeta Jones.

Actress Catherine Zeta Jones. Gtres

One of the most popular television faces was Javi Martin (51), one of the men in black of the famous Whoever Falls Fall (CQC) in the Greater Wyoming stage, which He was admitted to psychiatric hospitals on several occasions because he attempted suicide. It was on Christmas Eve 2011 when he had his big bipolar episode. While promoting your book Bipolar With great honor he assured that “there is something hereditary, but drugs and alcohol trigger it.”

In our country they also suffer from it Vega (45) and Raquel Mosquera (55), who has suffered from it in grade II since 2006. That year she was admitted to the López Ibor for more than a month. The images of Pedro Carrasco’s widow talking to herself through the window were some of the saddest in the recent history of the tabloids. Two years later he tried to commit suicide and in 2012 he entered the psychiatry area of ​​the Puerta de Hierro Clinic. On some occasions he has narrated that “I suffer from bipolarity that is controlled by my psychologist and my psychiatrist and with the appropriate treatment I can lead a normal life. Before joining the television program, I had a few months with a lot of stress and I stopped taking medication for a couple of days.” His bravery in front of the cameras made it possible to give visibility to a disease that the vast majority of people keep secret.

Paradigmatic example of success in the communication aspect, Mercedes Milá (73) abandoned Big Brother in 2015 because He began to notice certain depressive traits. After being diagnosed, the Catalan journalist never tires of repeating that “I have had a very bad time, when you know that depression can kill you, that An anxiety can destroy you, you realize the limits. Regarding leaving television, she stated that “I left due to illness, because I couldn’t take it anymore. I could cry all week and when Thursday came I would take a car and go to TV. I would put on makeup and no one would notice. What made me What happened next was that he told me, how can I do it again?” However, the first time she did feel depressed was when after four years of dating, her partner, a much younger guy, left her when she was 50.

The recently retired footballer Andres Iniesta (40) suffered depression following the unexpected death of Spanish player Dani Jarque. In his biography The play of my life describes that “people are moved by illusion and in a situation like this you have nothing, you don’t feel things. When you suffer from depression, it’s not you. When you are so vulnerable it is difficult to control moments in life and you think in extreme situations.” The former Barça player came to feel empty inside and could not see the light. The always beloved Fernando Tejero (57) revealed for the first time his mental state in a newspaper interview 20 Minutes where he emphasized that “there are mileurist creatures who, unfortunately, cannot afford it. I not only denounce, but I demand that there be more attention to public health. We don’t realize it, but the numbers of people who commit suicide are very high.”

Among the famous people who have suffered and continue to suffer from depression include Rocío Carrasco (47), Lucía Rivera (26), Angy (34), Pastora Soler (46), Angelina Jolie (49), Gwyneth Paltrow (52), Beyoncé (43) and Ellen Degeneres (66).

Angel Martin.

Of all the characters who have suffered psychotic breaks serious problems that have been mediated by a common good, the case of the comedian and screenwriter Angel Martin (47). On June 4, 2017, he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital and there he began a long journey of recovery to try to rebuild his person. Based on a lot of therapy and being aware of the transformations suffered in the body-mind duality, the Barcelona native wrote In case the voices return. He is clear that “overcoming a psychotic break and not sharing it is stupid,” he assured The Herald of Aragon.

It was two weeks of admission in which it was shattered. He was immersed in depression, he didn’t understand anything and he was constantly lost. After being discharged, he began to look for information about mental problems and discovered that social security did not invest enough in mental care, that the system is very fragile. Regarding those voices, he stated that “when they appear they talk about everything. There was no specific message, but basically we unmasked the world and began to live in a new world. There were so many messages, so many plots and so many signs that it is very difficult to remember what they said.” It came to be defined as the most absolute shit.

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