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The Osakidetza health pact takes a key step towards “consensus”

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Segunda reunión del Pacto Vasco de Salud.

Second meeting of the Basque Health Pact.

He Basque Health Pact will complete the first phase of the diagnosis of Osakidetza next October 30 in Vitoria. This Wednesday the second meeting took place in San Sebastián, in which Javier Meana, the technical secretary chosen by the regional Executive, was in charge of present the synthesis made from the contributions of the Pact agents to the first document presented by the Department of Health led by Alberto Martínez.

According to the counselor, it has been established “one week deadline” to present allegations after contrast with the respective organizations of this summary document. “Next Friday we will have the ‘feedback’ of that information,” he said. In any case, he insisted that “the consensus has practically been generalized”, except for “some nuances” that may arise this week, which is why the Basque Executive is “very satisfied.” “We believe that on the 30th we will be able to face the second step of the Health Pact”has had an impact.

The document It has a total of 30 pages. As confirmed to Medical Writing different sources, it is a basic text in which there is an important consensus. Even so, there is certain information that will be reviewed in the coming days.

A synthesis of Osakidetza’s diagnosis “incomplete”

Rebeka Uberahealth spokesperson for EH Bildu, has stated to this medium that the letter “does not include issues that are important and that should be there, such as governance or contracting issues or public-private relations.” For this reason, he assured that “there is a lot of work ahead” and that “it is important to prepare a good document, even if it is minimal.”

For its part, Laura Garridohealth voice of the Popular Party, has indicated that since its formation they plan to continue working. Besides, Ekain Ricorepresentative of the Socialist Party of Euskadi, has clarified that it is “interesting to move forward as soon as possible to the part in which the strategies are defined.”

Union consensus in the Basque Health Pact

From the union bench, Inigo Garduñogeneral secretary of the Federation of Health and Socio-sanitary Sectors of Workers’ Commissions of Euskadi, has called the meeting “transitional”. As explained, no definitive document has been reachedalthough “a great job of synthesis has been done, but the allegations must be looked at carefully.”

Even so, he has indicated that yes, proposed changes are observedfor example, due to its organization, such as “references to budgets or the economic part”, although “many things have been left out.”

On behalf of UGT, Arantza Agotethe general secretary of Public Services of the organization, has reiterated that Osakidetza requires “structural changes that allow us to address the challenges we face.” In this sense, and with the vocation of “defense and improvement” of public health, has evaluated “positively” the “shared diagnosis”which also includes the contributions of UGT.

In addition, he has considered the next phase “fundamental”, which must design “strategies to solve the problems detected”. The axis of the union’s proposals consists of a “deep renovation of the health system, which would go through milestones such as the redistribution of functions, releasing the overload of medical and nursing staff, the reorganization of tasks between different areas, or the creation of new categories professionals”.

Amaia Mayorgeneral secretary of Satse Euskadi, has assured that her organization has sent allegations to “incorporate the vision of certain professional profiles such as nurses and specialist nurses, both in the field of Primary Care and specialized care, among others.” He positively valued the atmosphere of the meeting and pointed out that the agents have been given “a diagnostic document in which many contributions that the union has transferred”.

“We think it is important to take into account the human resources situation in aspects such as networking, coordination between levels of care and the autonomy of professionals,” he explained. On the other hand, he pointed out that a proactive model in which the population must feel cared for, and has highlighted how essential it is to adjust the Osakidetza staff to real needs.

The information published in Medical Writing contains statements, data and declarations from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any questions related to your health, consult your corresponding health specialist.

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