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9 natural remedies to cure anxiety without taking pills

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9 natural remedies to cure anxiety without taking pills

Anxiety is, without a doubt, one of the evils of our time. According to the World Health Organization, More than 260 million people worldwide suffer from anxiety disorders. That is, around 3.5% of the global population. However, there are many more people who suffer the effects of anxiety without it reaching the level of a disorder.

A survey on Perception and habits of the Spanish population regarding stress, published in 2017, indicated that among those who suffer from stress, anxiety is the second most recurrent symptom (only surpassed by irritability).

If it is taken into account that -according to the investigation- 42% of residents are stressed “frequently or continuously”, and that in 39.5% of cases this results in anxiety, this means that this problem affects about 7.7 million Spaniards. One in six people.

Therefore, beyond the professional help that may be important or essential in many of these cases, it is also good to know natural ways to reduce the anxiety that daily life often leads to: too much work, too many social commitments, financial difficulties, relationship problems, etc. Listed below are nine non-pharmacological alternatives to combat anxiety, at least in the first instance.

1. Do physical activity

The aforementioned work, prepared by CinfaSalud, mentions that physical activity is one of the main ways mentioned by respondents to reduce their stress levels. It makes sense, because exercise favors the production of norepinephrine.

It is a substance that moderates the brain’s response to stress, and endorphins, the neurotransmitter known as “the hormone of happiness” since it produces well-being and joy. It also helps secrete dopamine and serotonin, other chemical agents that contribute to those pleasurable sensations.

2. Take walks in nature

Recent studies have shown that walks through the forest, the countryside and other natural environments help to relax and leave behind the so-called “morbid rumination”, thoughts that return to the mind over and over again, which can become obsessive and cause stress and anxiety.

On the other hand, the same researchers discovered that these walks have other benefits, such as result in an improvement in working memorythe short-term, which is needed for complex cognitive tasks, such as reading or mathematical operations.

3. Overcome procrastination

Also the elevated levels of Procrastination – the habit of postponing necessary tasks to dedicate time to more entertaining but less relevant tasks – is related to stress and anxiety (as well as poor school and work performance and the worsening of some diseases).

How to fight against this tendency to leave for tomorrow what we could do today? Some simple tips are to visualize how good it will be to “have done it,” think about the harm of leaving the task undone, and give yourself small rewards for each progress.

4. Drink infusions

Infusions of certain herbs have been drunk for centuries by many cultures, which have attributed various properties to them, including a relaxing and anxiolytic effect. Science has proven these effects in the case of some infusions, such as chamomile, lime blossom, valerian and Ashwagandha tea (widely used by practitioners of Hinduism).

In other herbs, such as Kava tea and passionflower, studies have not yet been able to provide conclusive results. In any case, the mere fact of taking a break to prepare the infusion and sit down to drink it can help slow down the pace of the day and, thus, reduce anxiety.

5. Meditate and breathe

Beyond all the religious aspects associated with meditation, the different conscious ways of breathing and other relaxation techniques, there is scientific work according to which eThese practices have many benefits.

Among them, the reduction of stress and the risk of suffering from depression, and because of this also less chance of suffering from anxiety. These advantages are maximized in the case of people who practice meditation and breathing exercises regularly and for long periods of time.

6. Breathe into a bag

Unlike the breathing exercises mentioned in the previous point, whose positive effects are seen especially in the long term, breathing into a paper bag It is a resource to try to control the hyperventilation which, in many cases, occurs with an anxiety attack.

The advice is to breathe – in the most natural way possible – between six and twelve times with a paper bag over your mouth and nose. This will help hyperventilation cease by returning the blood pH to neutral values ​​due to the recovery of the balance of O2 and CO2.

However, you have to be careful: this technique is discouraged by many specialists, since If the person has any respiratory condition (asthma, pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.), and you may not even know you have it, the consequence of breathing into a bag could be a worsening of the situation.

7. Write

Writing also has therapeutic effects. Psychology has studied how keeping a personal diary or simply writing down certain traumatic situations can improve emotional and even physical health.

Writing is a cathartic exercise, in which the person often feels like “a weight is lifted off their shoulders.” This relaxes her and reduces stress and feelings of anxiety.

8. Have sex, with yourself or with other people

It is well known that sex has powerful anxiolytic and analgesic effects, especially in men, where it releases a series of relaxing compounds with an action very similar to that of opiates. We explained it in its day in Benefits of masturbation beyond orgasm.

Therefore, it is not understandable that sometimes we stop practicing it, either with other people or by masturbating, perhaps because of the hurried life we ​​lead.

9. Have indoor plants or a garden

In August of last year, doctors at a practice center in Manchester, in the United Kingdom, made headlines for the treatment they had begun with their patients suffering from anxiety and depression: give them indoor plants, so they had to take care of them houseplants and bring them back on subsequent appointments.

“Having something to take care of represents many benefits for people, especially for those who do not have a garden and who cannot live with pets,” explained Augusta Ward, one of the specialists responsible for the initiative.

The motivation to take care of plants, both indoors and in a garden, can then become a way to combat the risk of suffering from anxiety or some other problem related to it. Additionally, indoor plants improve air quality.

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