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The Government breaks with the ERC model in Health and will reinforce public-private collaboration

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Olga Pané,

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The Government has considered buried the era of calls publications either service internalizations of CKD in health. The counselor of the branch, Olga Panerecalled today that what is important in the eyes of citizens is “quality“, and that the concerted health sector “is also public” as it draws on the resources of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

The Catalan Minister of Health said this in a meeting with journalists at the Department’s headquarters today. At lunch you already ask questions about this medium, Bread has unmarked himself from calls publications that the Republicans promoted when they were in Government between 2021 and July 2024.

Some public shots that included, for example, the rehabilitation and physiotherapyhospitals, a nursing home from the giant DomusVi in Lleida or the study of the direct management of ambulances by Emergencies of Catalonia.

“We are delighted with Sant Joan de Déu”

In this regard, the doctor also specialized in Occupational Medicine has given an example: Sant Joan de Déu. The mother and child hospital of Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) provides a service “excellent“despite not being public, but concerted.

“The citizens of Baix Llobregat are delighted with Sant Joan de Déu,” he stressed. Bread. In fact, the former manager of the Hospital del Mar has considered that all the concerted healthcare, grouped in Catalonia in the network Siscat“is, in a certain way, a public sector” as it receives resources from the Generalitat of Catalonia.

“Flee from ideology”

The counselor He has urged us to “escape from ideology” when evaluating health services, and has recalled that what is important is the results and patient satisfaction. “First, we have to see if in recent years there has been privatized something in healthcare. I think not,” he recalled.

A doctor in a CAP in Barcelona

A doctor in a CAP in Barcelona Assigned / Agencies

Accreditation –of centers–, efficient management and quality“, he later summarized. Three principles for all suppliers – public and contracted – that he has contrasted with the all public that ERC defended in the previous Government.

Collaboration: “The challenges are huge”

In fact, this alliance between the public and the private, a historical model in Catalonia, could be extended to other urgent policies. One of them is the oral care for vulnerable people. It is one of the great bets of the Government of Salvador Illa (PSC), and today, the Minister of Health has opted to comply with the competition of the public and concerted networks.

Black on white, counselor Pané has warned that “the challenges facing Catalan healthcare are so enormous that it is not enough to just work on them from a niche: we must collaborate.” Among these challenges are the aging of citizens, with 1.5 million Catalans over 65 years of age; climate change or the financing of the system.

Investments: logistics and sterilization

In this key of mixed suppliers, the doctor has warned that her Ministry will bet on participating platforms that lighten the burden they bear. hospitals and outpatient public. And he has given two concrete examples: another new logistics center such as Logarithmewhich serves the ICS, but for the concerted system, and material sterilization operators outside health centers.

In fact, the logistics have already started. As this media reported, various hospitals are planning a large distribution center for medical supplies in Sabadell (Barcelona). It aims to be the leader in Spain.

Protect the public: “I don’t have private insurance”

Yes indeed, Bread has advocated to protect and dignify the public assistance network so that the middle classes “do not abandon it and become a private mutual insurance company.” In this sense, the counselor recalled that 32% of Catalan citizens belong to a mutual health insurance company. In Barcelona, ​​this percentage reaches 40%.

Respecting each space, the counselor has advocated “not impoverishing the public system.” This is achieved by “giving the required quality” in hospitals and outpatient to the middle classes, “very demanding with the service.” In fact, the doctor has set herself as an example. “I do not have a private health insurance“, he added.

Go to the CAP in 48 hours: “It will take a legislature”

In relation to this, the head of Health has emphasized that the president Illa has placed the access to GP within 48 hours as a “priority.” And that’s how his team has taken it, he said. Of course, it is a complex policy – due to resources, operational and personnel changes – that will take “approximately an entire legislature.” This is, four years.

Image of a child patient with a pediatrician in Barcelona

Image of a child patient with a pediatrician in Barcelona Assigned / Agencies

But being able to visit the head is important, says the counselor“so that people do not have to go to the hospital, where very good service is provided, but banal problems tend to be medicalized and there are viruses that are resistant to disinfection.” Bet on strengthen primary caretherefore, to “solve minor health problems.”

Cairo will pilot the changes

This and other policies will take time. The Ministry is working with the group of experts created ad hocwho directs Manel del Castillomanager of, precisely, Sant Joan de Déu. This commission is called Cairo –moment or opportunity in Greek– and has eleven experts with a very extensive curriculum.

Among them is Yolanda Lejardi, former manager of the ICS and editor of the National Health Pact, promoted by ERC, and that “will not be buried, but has reached the deployment phase.” What Olga Pané’s team will review – in addition to the public takeover of services – are the territorial alliances between hospitals, a policy of the former Republican councilor Manel Balcells. “We will review it. We prefer collaboration between devices, since the territorial strips present problems,” he concluded.

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