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The Jiménez Díaz Foundation promotes cardiovascular health

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The Jiménez Díaz Foundation promotes cardiovascular health

The cardiovascular diseases They continue to be the main cause of death in the world and, together with conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels (heart attacks, strokes, heart failure…), they continue to affect both developed countries and those with lower incomes. However, a preventive approach based on lifestyle changes can avoid many of these conditions.

“The good news is that many heart diseases can be prevented“, highlight the specialists of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, who, during a day dedicated to cardiovascular health and organized yesterday on the occasion of World Heart Day, stressed the importance of maintaining healthy lifestyle habits. A balanced diet, regular physical exercise and proper stress management are positioned as the three fundamental pillars to reduce the risk of suffering a cardiac event.

For this reason, the Madrid hospital has focused on the relevance of prevention in cardiovascular health with a series of activities aimed at informing and raising awareness about heart care, under the motto “Get your heart going.” Through conferences and activities, the center’s specialists have highlighted the importance of following healthy lifestyle habits to prevent the appearance of heart diseases, slow their progression and improve recovery after a cardiovascular event.

The VIII World Heart Day Conference of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation It had the participation of its nursing staff, who offered numerous patients, family members and visitors the opportunity to have a personalized cardiovascular risk calculation, considering factors such as weight and blood pressure. These information tables, installed in the hall of the main building, allowed attendees to learn about the main factors that affect their cardiovascular health.

In this line, the Dr. Hans Paul Gaebelt Slockera specialist in the Cardiology Service, gave a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) workshop, where attendees learned vital techniques that can make the difference between saving a life or not in emergency situations.

Practical solutions for heart health and resolution of doubts

The day also included a series of interesting conferences under the title “Practical Solutions for Heart Health. I have questions, who can answer them for me?”, in which recommendations were offered to live longer and better in the area of ​​treatment and heart-healthy lifestyle habits.

The Dr. Mónica Recio Vázqueza specialist in the hospital’s Cardiology Service, opened the day by reminding that “a healthy lifestyle not only prevents the onset of heart disease, but also helps slow its progression and improve recovery in those who have already suffered a cardiovascular event. ”. In his speech, he highlighted the importance of stress management and the possible side effects of current treatments.

For its part, the Dr. Gloria Bermejo Fernándeza specialist in the Rehabilitation Service of the Madrid hospital and an expert in cardiac rehabilitation, addressed the impact of a sedentary lifestyle on cardiovascular health, resolving the doubts that arise when exercising again after a heart attack, and highlighting that physical inactivity increases by 50 percent the risk of suffering a cardiac event or a stroke.

Regarding the psychological approach to these pathologies, Sandra Mateo Diazresident psychologist at the Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Service of the Madrid center, explained that, “although stress is not the direct cause of heart disease, it is a trigger that can accelerate its appearance or worsen its evolution.” He also spoke about the importance of identifying and managing emotions such as anxiety and hostility, as they are closely related to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The day ended with a conference on the importance of good nutrition, given by the Dr. María José de la Cruz Fernándezand Enrique Sanz Martínezspecialist and nutritionist, respectively, of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, who emphasized the Mediterranean diet as one of the best tools to protect the heart. “The Mediterranean diet is not just a way of eating, it is a complete lifestyle that has scientifically proven its ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases; It is a legacy that we must transmit to future generations,” he said. Sanz. This type of diet, rich in healthy fats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, not only lowers cholesterol, but also helps control blood pressure and improves overall heart health. “Adopting this type of diet has been shown to reduce cardiovascular events by 30 percent compared to low-fat diets,” added the Dr. de la Cruz.

The other three QuirónSalud hospitals integrated into the Madrid public network (Sermas), the Rey Juan Carlos (Móstoles), Infanta Elena (Valdemoro) and General de Villalba (Collado Villalba) university hospitals, also celebrate their respective days between today and Thursday. for World Heart Day, now classic events in the calendar of activities aimed at civil society to meet the four centers’ objective of contributing to population health with informative, preventive and educational activities.

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