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‘Fundamentals’ presents its mental health roadmap: “We must anticipate”

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'Fundamentals' presents its mental health roadmap: "We must anticipate"

The ‘Fundamental’ alliance has released its new roadmap for promote mental well-being among the professionals of the companies that comprise it. This new framework for action, aligned with the support guides published by the European Union on good work practices for people with mental health problems, reinforces the motto of World Mental Health Day 2024: “Work and mental health, a link fundamental”.

The roadmap includes a common mental health framework in organizations, indicators of self-assessment (KPIs) to determine organizational mental health, and a tool of self-diagnosis. In addition, it offers action guidelines that guide companies on their path to becoming inclusive and supportive spaces, promoting an approach preventive and collaborative.

During the presentation event, held at the Official College of Psychology of Madrid and within the framework of World Mental Health Day, the incorporation of a new member to the alliance has been announced: Seat. This organization joins other members such as Astara, AstraZeneca, Banco Santander in Spain, Daikin, HP, and Indra through its subsidiary Minsait.

The roadmap includes a common mental health framework in organizations, self-assessment indicators and a self-diagnosis tool

Furthermore, it has been presented to WTW as a new collaborating member, who joins the honorary members: Fundación Manantial, the General Council of Psychology, the Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Celso Arango. In this way, ‘Fundamentals’ is reaffirmed as a space of consensus in which companies, associations and key actors work together to contribute to improving the well-being of society.

In the words of Rick R. Suárez, president of AstraZeneca Spain and president of ‘Fundamentales’, position that will rotate each year among the different participating companies, “mental health is the foundation on which a prosperous and resilient society is built.” Despite this, “the challenges in mental health are increasing at an alarming rate, currently representing the leading cause of disability in the world, according to the World Health Organization. It is no longer enough to react; We must anticipate and act with determination.

Suárez has also highlighted that from the institutions and organizations “We have the responsibility to be active agents of changeproviding safe, inclusive and understanding spaces. But to have a truly meaningful and lasting impact, we must work together. Only through the collaboration of all actors in society, both the public and private sectors, will we be able to break the silence and eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health.”

“Around half of European workers consider stress to be common in their workplace”

José Antonio Luengo Latorre, first vice president of the General Council of Psychology of Spain, has highlighted that: “We risk mental health on a daily basis.. The time is now. Mental health and the promotion of psychological well-being are a fundamental part of the good development of our organizations and especially of the people who make them up. “Every effort made in this field will always be little and that is why we must work with intensity and sensitivity, but also with science and rigor to launch all types of initiatives and projects in this area.”

For your partEduardo Gómez Casado, Economic Advisor of the Representation of the European Commission in Spainhas pointed out that “around half of European workers consider stress to be common in their workplace. The European Commission is committed to tackling this problem head-on, for the good of our workers and our economy. We must not only support workers with mental health problems, but also create workplaces that prevent these problems. From a business perspective, if we don’t have a healthy workforce, we can’t reach our productivity potential, so there is both a social and economic imperative to address this growing trend.”

“From the company’s point of view, if we do not have a healthy workforce, we cannot reach our productivity potential”

For all these reasons, the implementation of this roadmap not only seeks to improve the quality of life of employees, but also boost the sustainability and the success of organizations through greater cohesion and efficiency in their teams. One of the most innovative aspects of the initiative is the introduction of KPIs and self-diagnosis tools, which allow organizations to measure and evaluate the state of mental health objectively.

These self-assessment indicators offer a detailed view of organizational mental health, identifying areas of risk and pointing out patterns of emotional distress before they become bigger problems. The self-diagnosis tool is integrated as a key piece to facilitate this process, allowing employees and managers to carry out an initial assessment of their mental well-being, which enables rapid and effective intervention before problems escalate.

The roadmap also defines a line of action, which establishes an action plan to manage cases of mental or emotional destabilization. This details the roles of each actor within the organization, highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in which workers, colleagues, managers and Human Resources managers work together.

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