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Politician’s mental health

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Politician's mental health

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Cristina LopezArgentine senator, stated at the time that “President Javier Milei is mentally ill” and demanded “the development of a project so that leaders are required to have a psychological fitness to be able to assume said position.” Those who treated Milei have not said that he was a moron; nor, that it was a brilliant mind. Logical. We do not heed Kant’s advice: “Never argue with an idiot. “People might not notice the difference.”

It is intriguing whether politicians here enjoy good mental health and whether they would be willing to undergo a protocol that would determine that “fitness of health” to guarantee that they are right in the head. Today, the only thing that can be said is that they have the title of grooms or the diploma of herdsmen.

Do you know how many families of politicians have been broken up in a legislature? Being scheming twenty-four hours a day to save a Spain that is breaking down on all sides has to be exhausting.

He Mental Health Institute He already maintained that a third of the population suffers from some mental disorder, but, when citing sick leave due to this deficit, those of politicians do not appear. If anxiety, sleep disorders and depression are the most frequent problems of citizens related to their health, does this mean that such scourges do not affect politicians? If so, they will tell you how they do it. We are interested. We will not say that the profession of politician is the most dangerous in this world – much more than that of miners and bricklayers – but it is common to describe their job as stressful; always overacting in a permanent scenario of conflicts and fratricidal wars, where your own party colleagues can nail you like a Julius Caesar. There are psychiatrists who consider that being a professional politician requires a renunciation of emotional balance and sound judgment. They conclude that politics is a profession suitable only for those who present certain psychological traits that the Polish psychiatrist Lobaczewski describes as “pathocratic”, people with disorders derived from a narcissistic personality, in need of constant affirmation and attention, since they have an ego that is trampled on. even up a fig tree. They don’t see any further than the circumference of their navel.

In this country there is no data on the mental health of politicians and it is not known whether psychological improvements are necessary in the sector. Finding literature on this subject is complicated. It is common to think that an improvement in the politician’s mental health would correspond to an improvement in the system, but we live in illusions. Politicians do not make the system, it is the system that shapes and modulates them.

Nor is the premise accepted that working as a politician entails a certain generalized mental and emotional disorder. And this would be a good advance to address the phenomenon: accepting that exercising and living as a politician is not advisable for mental health, neither for one nor for others. Accepting it would save suspicions.

Citing political happiness in the defeat of the other, the more humiliating the better, is not for healthy subjects.

Do you know how many families of politicians have been broken up in a legislature? Being scheming twenty-four hours a day to save a Spain that is breaking down on all sides has to be exhausting. So much so that there are those who suggest that the politician’s time should be limited for the sake of his health and his family. Thinking so much about the Rule of Law exhausts any meninge, no matter how Cartesian it may be.

As for specifying the current signs that suggest that the politician’s mental health is failing, it is not an easy task. Among them, their penchant for slum language is often invoked, as never before has it manifested itself with such geyser-like violence. However, this “wordy” attitude is not a cause, but an effect. It is the result of a background of resentment that inclines them against those they consider their enemies since Viriato. It arises from a political and ethical polarization or Manichaeism that clouds their cognitive and emotional faculties. There are politicians who seem to do what they do to screw others.which is typical of a psychopath. They are not well if the other is not well. The worse off others are, the better off I am. And, if they die, great. Then, of course, they’ll regret it and all that. Cainite cynicism.

Citing political happiness in the defeat of the other, the more humiliating the better, is not for healthy subjects. And, be careful, because it is not only the political defeat of the enemy that is sought, but also the human one. And engaging in dehumanizing the enemy reveals a disturbing degree of mental illness. Politics no longer only dehumanizes the adversary, but also animalizes those who practice it. Nazism would be a good example of this cannibalistic methodology.

That is why it is a pity that the factors that cast the politician’s mental health into black are not clear, nor is science applied to find the symptoms that lead a rational being to crawl in the mud as if it were an Aristotelian worm.

The Mental Health Institute has already maintained that a third of the population suffers from some mental disorder, but, when citing sick leave due to this deficit, those of politicians do not appear.

When a politician says that “God saved him from an attack,” that “he told him in his dreams that he chose him to save his country,” or that “God is on his side,” one wonders if these people care. A screw is missing or it is like a mountain goat. That a bishop, type Roucodrop this kind of absurd logomachy, pass. And let Trump say it, too. But, thinking about it, not even like that. Of course someone can reproach, what are we going to say if four days ago we broke the shell of a theocratic and confessional Spain and many politicians continue to laugh out loud at the non-denominational State?

There are millions of people who vote for political parties that, although they do not proclaim themselves Catholic and confessional, are so in practice. One might wonder if a society. who accepts the subordination of politics to that divine providentialism, is in his right mind. If it is not, you will have to look at it. Because it would be a society threatened by the same murderous virus as the one that waged war shouting “because God wants it.” Heirs of those coup plotters are still there, among us, like the dinosaur of Monterrososuffering from the disease of transcendental providentialism and, therefore, mentally ill, what would the Argentine senator say? Yourself.

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