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Competence limbo in the development of nursing specialties

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"No hay interés autonómico en desarrollar el EIR de Salud Mental"

The general secretary of the CGE, Diego Ayuso.

Mental health is essential for the full development of the individual. However, this aspect of personal well-being is increasingly fragile. According to a report by Mutua Madrileña, 47 percent of the population suffers from panic attacks, 42 percent from depression, and 36 percent from prolonged anxiety. Likewise, 14 percent attempted suicide and nine percent self-harmed. A complicated situation in which the health professional takes on a key role. Among these, nurses stand out. “We made a great contribution,” highlighted the general secretary of the nursing collegiate body (CGE), Diego Ayuso, who spoke in the session of the Senate Health Commission. moment that has been taken advantage of demand the development of the specialty of Mental Health Nursing.

In this sense, to improve patient care, Ayuso has highlighted that “more EIR places are needed for Mental Health, since they are insufficient.” The CGE representative regretted that the last call only have 351 training vacancies for the aforementioned specialty. “The presence of these specialists is anecdotal, so we must make a commitment to strengthen them,” he added.

Likewise, the general secretary of the CGE has demanded from the platform of the Upper House of the Cortes Generales that the health branch be fully developed in all the autonomous communities. Specifically, Navarra, Catalonia and Castilla y León still do not have the professional category for these specialists. “I have the feeling that there is no interest in developing nursing specialties,” indicated the speaker, who recalled that the royal decree that encourages their creation is 19 years old.

“The presence of Mental Health specialists is anecdotal”

Beyond specialists, Ayuso has stressed that to guarantee good mental health, it is necessary to invest in training in psychological aspects of general healthcare professionals, the bulk of the profession. Furthermore, the figure of the professional in schools must be promoted, as 13 percent of the child population has some problem of this type, derived from addictive behaviors or bullying situations. “Currently, Spain has 2,200 nurses in schools and institutes. This is one for every 6,700 students, one of the worst ratios in Europe,” revealed the member of the CGE. Reason why he has called for the definitive development of a School Nursing lawwith which to guarantee their presence in the educational system.

Caring for nurses

Nursing graduates are essential for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental pathologies, but it is also one of the sectors most affected by these illnesses. According to data presented by Ayuso during her appearance, 88 percent of health workers suffer from stress, while 67 percent have anxiety and 58 percent, insomnia. Furthermore, three out of ten fight depression. A series of problems that increase suicide attempts, common in much of the healthcare field.

“You have to take care of those who care, otherwise they will not be able to focus on the patients,” shared the protagonist of the session. For this reason, he has asked those present to The Mental Health Strategy incorporates a psychological assistance program intended for nurses. At the moment, they obtain this service from their work centers – in certain cases – or through the Comprehensive Care Program for Sick Doctors (Paime) of the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC), in which they can also be treated.

“You have to take care of those who care, otherwise they will not be able to focus on the patients”

Improve ratios in favor of the mental health of professionals

However, having psychological care programs is not the only aspect to improve to ensure a favorable mental state in nurses. Thus, Ayuso has asserted that ending precariousness is essential, causing 46 percent to want to abandon their duties and more than 1,000 change Spain for another country every year. “We can say that 14 percent of the healthcare companies that we train annually choose to work outside our borders,” he lamented.

To solve this loss of talent, the general secretary of CGE has argued that it is necessary to update its professional category and with it go from A2 to A1which includes doctors, pharmacists and psychologists. A leap that would translate into a salary increase or access to top-level positions within health management.

Ayuso added that they have to adapt their skills to the tasks they perform every day in their jobs, develop plans that act against attacks and advance in the approval of indication guidelines. “We have to feel that we are not forgotten,” she stated, after revealing that 76 percent of the employees she represents They do not feel any type of political recognition for the job they do.

A battery of proposals to help reduce the nursing shortage that the country is suffering from. And in Spain there are 6.16 professionals in this sector per 100,000 inhabitantsthe sixth worst ratio on the European continent. A scenario that worsens in some autonomous communities, such as Murcia, where the proportion stands at 4.8 per 100,000. According to Ayuso, a higher rate would lighten workloads and alleviate their high levels of anxiety and stress. The final result would be felt by the patients’ own mental health.

The information published in Medical Writing contains statements, data and declarations from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any questions related to your health, consult your corresponding health specialist.

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