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The lifestyle that most reduces the risk of breast cancer according to Science

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The lifestyle that most reduces the risk of breast cancer according to Science

The scientific community is increasingly clear that Life habits influence the risk of suffering from breast cancer. And the explanation lies, in part, in the mechanism itself that triggers this and other types of tumor.

For a cancer to develop, it is necessary for genetic mutations to occur in the cells that cause the loss of a mechanism known as contact inhibition. This natural process means that, when a cell in the body grows and contacts the one next to it, it stops its growth so as not to invade the territory of the other.

For these mutations to occur, there may be a certain family predisposition, but External factors are usually the ones that end up determining whether or not it occurs. that invasion of territory that causes cells to grow uncontrollably. The Dr. M.ª Jesús Placoordinator of the Functional Breast Unit at the Bellvitge-ICO University Hospital (Barcelona), gives us more details about it.

  • Each chromosome is made up of two arms. When there is a genetic predisposition, we are born with a mutation in one of them. But for the cell to lose contact inhibition, grow and cancer appear, another mutation must occur in the other arm. And it is something that happens due to external factors,” he states.

Avoid them and incorporate into our daily habits like the following, which reduce the risk of these mutations occurring according to Science is, therefore, essential.

1. Remedy if you have gained a lot of weight

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