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More than 22,000 women have been treated by the Breast Unit of the Public Health System of La Rioja

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More than 22,000 women have been treated by the Breast Unit of the Public Health System of La Rioja


The Minister of Health and Social Policies, María Martín, visited this Friday, October 18, the Breast Unit at the San Pedro University Hospital on the occasion of the commemoration of World Breast Cancer Day, which will take place tomorrow, the day 19. Martín has highlighted that, over the last twelve months, the La Rioja Public Health System has served more than 22,000 women who have participated in the breast cancer early detection program or who have been treated by the Breast Unit to complete different imaging studies.

Specifically, between the months of October 2023 and September 2024, a total of 16,177 women took part in the screening program, a figure that represents a participation rate of 87.64% over those initially called. Additionally, in the last year, the Breast Unit performed 11,924 imaging tests, corresponding to mammographic studies (6,271), ultrasound (5,394) and magnetic resonance imaging (259).

Martín has congratulated the professionals of the Breast Unit because “these figures, improving every year, show that our detection program is one of the most advanced in participation data in Spain and reflects the commitment of all the professionals involved in the diagnosis of the disease.

Likewise, the health minister has stressed the importance of early diagnosis of breast cancer, since it significantly improves the chances of recovery by identifying the pathology in its initial stages and allowing less aggressive and shorter treatments.

To continue in this direction, the counselor has urged all Riojan women between 45 and 69 years old to attend their early detection program appointment.


Martín also wanted to send a message of encouragement and hope to all the women affected, reminding them of the support of Riojan society and the commitment of health professionals. From the Government of La Rioja, and hand in hand with health professionals, we promote every day the development of research, the diagnosis of the disease in its most initial stages, the greater effectiveness of therapies and the use of the most advanced technology. .

Furthermore, the counselor has expressed her gratitude to the Spanish Association against Cancer, highlighting that its dedication to supporting patients and families represents hope for all people who suffer from the disease. “It is a day to thank the great work that the Association against Cancer does in this sense. There is a great collaboration between the Rioja Health Service and the Association against Cancer of La Rioja and this also allows us to say together to all these women who suffer from this disease who are not alone, that there are many people accompanying them, willing to help and also lastly that there are some great researchers who, year after year, ensure that the results, both pharmacological, diagnostic, and prevention, make this disease has almost become chronic.

In this sense, Martín concluded his speech by stating that crude mortality rates from breast cancer have decreased around 1% each year since 1991, according to the Tumor Registry of the General Directorate of Public Health.

During the visit, the Health Minister was accompanied by the managing director of the Rioja Health Foundation, Juan Carlos Oliva, the section head of the Breast Unit, Mercedes Sainz, the person in charge of the breast cancer early detection program, Inmaculada Eguíluz, and by the president of the Spanish Association Against Cancer in La Rioja, Elena Eguizábal.

Dr. Sainz has pointed to the proper functioning of the breast committee (made up of health professionals from various specialties such as pathologists, radiological diagnosis professionals, nuclear medicine, surgeons, gynecologists and oncologists) and the work of all the professionals involved in the daily fight against this disease as keys to “having results that we can be satisfied with. Being able to tell women that, indeed, breast cancer is a common disease, that we have the means to treat it and for the mother to respond to that treatment, It gives us satisfaction.”

For his part, Eguizábal recalled that “together we are stronger against cancer” and thanked the work of the professionals who treat the disease. “It is a day of gratitude to this entire system, of camaraderie, collaboration and support for women who are going through this disease, also of recognition to the survivors who accompany us with great enthusiasm.”


Breast cancer is the main cause of death from tumors in women in La Rioja. In the last 12 months, the Breast Unit has diagnosed 204 new cases, of which 60 were identified through the early detection program. The age groups with the highest number of new breast cancer identifications are those between 55 and 69 years old.

In La Rioja, around 40 women die each year from this cause, a figure that represents a rate of 24.7 cases per 100,000 women.

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