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Is it harmful to health? This is how it affects us and not in a positive way

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Cambio de hora: ¿es perjudicial para la salud? Así nos afecta y no de manera positiva

Every year, the debate about the time change returns with force. While some see it as a simple tradition, for others, this adjustment in the watches has deeper consequences, especially in their physical and mental well-being.

Over the years, several studies have examined the effects of time change on health, revealing that it is not always as beneficial as it seems. In this article, we will explore how the upcoming time change, which will take place at the end of October 2024, can negatively impact our daily lives, and what can be done to mitigate its effects. Furthermore, we will analyze whether this practice is destined to disappear in the near future.

When is the time change?

The next time change will take place during the early hours of the morning from Saturday 26 to Sunday 27 October 2024. At 03:00 in the morningthe watches must be delayed an hourso they will mark the 02:00. This means that, in practical terms, you will gain an hour of sleepsince winter time gives us an extra hour of rest. However, this setting also means that the days get shorter and sunlight will disappear earlier, affecting people’s daily rhythm.

This change, which is made twice a yearwas introduced with the aim of make better use of the hours of natural light and reduce energy consumptionalthough in recent times, the real benefits of this adjustment have been questioned, and the relationship between the time change and health has gained more prominence in public discussions.

Clock freepik

Effects of time change on health

The time change, especially that which occurs in autumn, not only alters the clock, but also the biological clock of people, which is sensitive to variations in natural light. Adaptation to the new schedule is not immediate, and many people may feel the effects for several days or even weeks after the adjustment.

Sleep disturbance and stress

One of the main effects of the time change is the alteration in the sleep cycles. Despite gaining an extra hour of rest, the body can take time to adjust to the new routine, causing fatigue, insomnia, and, in some cases, daytime sleepiness. This disruption in sleep patterns can negatively affect the moodincreasing the risk of suffering irritability, stress and anxiety.

Cardiovascular health

Various studies have found a relationship between time change and an increase in cardiovascular problems. A study published by the American College of Cardiology observed that, after each schedule adjustment, there is a small but significant increase in the risk of heart attacks and strokes. This is partly due to the stress that the time change generates in the body, by altering its natural rhythms.

Decreased concentration and performance

It has been detected that the time change can also cause a decrease in concentration and cognitive performanceespecially in the first work or school days after the adjustment. This is particularly worrying in activities that require a high level of attention, such as driving, where a slight increase in the number of traffic accidents has been observed.

Difficulty concentrating Pexels

How to avoid the adverse effects of time change

Although the time change can be disruptive, there are some strategies that can help minimize its negative effects on health. One of the most effective recommendations is adjust your sleep schedule gradually. Instead of waiting for the night of the time change, experts suggest delaying bedtime by 10 to 15 minutes each day during the week beforehand, so that the body has time to adapt to the new schedule.

Another useful measure is expose yourself to natural light as much as possible during the day. Sunlight helps regulate circadian cycleso getting outdoors, especially during the early morning hours, can help the body adjust more quickly. It is also important Avoid using electronic devices with bright screens before going to bede, since the blue light they emit can interfere with the production of melatoninthe hormone that regulates sleep.

Maintain a constant routine at meal times and Physical activities also contribute to a smoother adaptation. Eating at regular times and practicing physical exercise favors the stabilization of the biological rhythm, which helps the body to recover more quickly from the effects of the time change.

Girl rests to drink water during her bike ride for exercise outdoors freepik

Will this be the last time change?

The debate on the continuity of the time change it’s not new. In recent years, the European Union has raised the possibility of canceling this practice, which has generated great interest among citizens. In 2019, the European Parliament voted to eliminate seasonal time change from 2021but the implementation of this measure has faced delays due to the lack of consensus between member countries on what schedule to adopt permanently: winter or summer.

In the State, the possibility of carrying out studies to analyze which option would be most beneficial for the populationbut to date no significant changes have been implemented. Thus, the next time change in October 2024 will not be the last, and This practice is likely to continue at least for a while longer..

In short, although the time change remains an annual tradition, the effects it has on health are a source of worry for many. From sleep disturbances to cardiovascular problems, this schedule adjustment can impact people’s well-being. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to mitigate its effects and adapt more smoothly to the new routine. Meanwhile, the future of time change remains uncertain, and will depend on political decisions and a European consensus.

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