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The relationship between menopause and increased cardiovascular risk

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The relationship between menopause and increased cardiovascular risk

Did you know that according to data from the INE, the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases is higher in women than in men in Spain? Danacol has presented the results of the MENOCOL study, which reveals that 60% of Spanish women between 45 and 65 years old do not associate that the arrival of menopause can increase cholesterol levels and, therefore, what poses a risk to your cardiovascular health. The reduction in estrogen that occurs during menopause is linked to an increase of between 10% and 15% in LDL 2 cholesterol levels, increasing the possibility of suffering a cardiovascular event.

The importance of food

The foundations of good health during menopause depend on the lifestyle habits we have.. The role is crucial. Supplements or hormone therapy can be an extra, but each step must be individualized. Without a doubt, lifestyle habits can make menopause more bearable, starting with diet. I always tell my patients that instead of a salad for dinner, they should prepare an omelet with tuna; that Stop doing diets that count calories, which are worthless, and opt for a satisfying diet rich in protein.”, explains Dr. Marimer Pérez.

“We have our wonderful Mediterranean Diet, full of fruits, vegetables, legumes… that can help us improve cholesterol levels if we ensure their daily consumption, promoting a heart-healthy diet and increasing our physical activity. Furthermore, by introducing foods enriched with plant sterols such as Danacol into our diet, we help naturally reduce LDL cholesterol levels by up to 10% in a period of three weeksand then to keep it at normal levels. But to be able to do it, the most important thing is to be aware that, with the arrival of menopause, we must especially monitor our cholesterol,” says nutritionist Marta Verona.

Let’s sweat!

Although coronary mortality is higher in men than in women, after age 50, it increases rapidly in women and decelerates in men. Therefore, it is essential to commit to a healthy lifestyle in which exercise is key. “He Regular physical exercise helps lower cholesterol, maintain blood pressure and regulate weight and that accumulation of fat in the abdominal area that is so dangerous. We are talking about the android distribution of fat, because as estrogen falls, the abdominal perimeter increases and visceral fat, which is pro-inflammatory, increases. Women are usually worried about the subcutaneous tissue, which is what is visible, but it is not so dangerous. However, it is what is not seen that increases the abdominal perimeter many times over and is deposited on our organs. Therefore, it is important to exercise the muscle and increase that muscle mass to reverse or improve the energy expenditure that is greatly reduced during menopause. Muscle makes energy expenditure at rest better and therefore calorie consumption. Of course, we must not forget cardio,” says Marimer Pérez.

Why and how to prevent

Comment that healthy lifestyle habits are essential for reduce the inflammatory effect of the drop in estrogen, responsible for the increase in “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides. “There is poor lipid metabolism and that bad cholesterol can be deposited in the arteries, forming the famous atherosclerosis plaques. Endothelial dysfunction is vital here: estrogen makes the arteries elastic and can adapt to changes in blood flow, so when it drops, the arteries become stiffer, something that, together with the increase in cholesterol, poses a risk. ”says the gynecologist.

According to recent research published in the journal ‘Neurology’, earlier menopause and higher cardiovascular risk are two risk factors that influence cognitive outcomes in women. It should also be noted that the appearance of an early menopause (before the age of 45) or early ovarian failure (before the age of 40) can significantly increase the cardiovascular risks, since for each year of menopause, before the age of 45, cardiovascular risk increases by 3%. “I wish I had known much earlier that the body of the models I admired is not what is needed during menopause, when we need women with more muscle mass. From the ages of 35 and 40, we must focus on strength exercises and give importance to rest. The important thing is to know that it is a long-distance race, perhaps the longest marathon you will run in your life. It is better to start with things that are sustainable over time, that is: no healthy diets or taking 400 supplements. The opportune thing is to advocate patience, willpower and resilience,” says Marimer Pérez.

“There is little talk about cardiovascular health, and not enough talk about More than 50% of 60-year-old women will have osteoporosis if we do not take care of ourselvessomething that invalidates you and makes you a dependent woman. We must talk about a functional woman, who can move and who can carry her suitcases, because the ones who are going to take care of ourselves the most are ourselves. Self-care is not an act of selfishness, but an act of love towards yourself and others, because it makes you a non-dependent woman,” she adds.

It is vital to remember that menopause is another stage of life and since its arrival is inevitableit is essential to adopt healthy lifestyle habits as soon as possible that will ensure that in the future, looking at the past does not involve a look of pride and gratitude. Self-care is not a whim: it is quality of life.

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