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trips to Chiva and a key gesture

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Enriqueta y Emilio, los padres de Enrique Ponce, el pasado día 9, en Valencia, en la gran despedida de su hijo.

“As parents there have been moments when we have not had a good time. There is no need to remember how the breakup was experienced in 2020. Everything was said and swallow That as parents is not easy,” he says with THE SPANISH a highly credible source of Enriqueta and Emiliothe discreet progenitors of Enrique Ponce (52 years old).

Despite the immense popularity of their offspring, they have always remained in the shadows. In the tranquility of your home in the municipality of chivain Valencia. His life, he maintains, has always been the same: current, normal. Being the parents of such a vast figure in bullfighting like Ponce has not affected them in any way.

They are very respected people here.“, is added from Valencia. This past Wednesday, October 9, it was well worth taking a step forward and allowing yourself to be immortalized by the cameras and photographers: your beloved son said goodbye in style at the Valencia bullring. It was their big day, their most special afternoon.

They were all: the most important people for Ponce. Of course, his reason for love, Ana Soria (26), could not be missed. She, as EL ESPAÑOL advanced, proposed to follow Enrique through the Spanish arenas and will also do so on her American tour, which will begin in the coming weeks. The parents of the woman from Almería have also been in Valencia.

The couple and their respective parents, a picture that, although at a public level, was the first time it had occurred, this medium knows that it is not new. Federico Soria and Rosario MorenoAna’s parents, and Enriqueta and Emiliothose from Ponce, have known each other for a long time. The family gatheringsas in every family, have occurred.

Enriqueta Martínez and Emilio Ponce, last Wednesday, the 9th, in Valencia.

Enriqueta Martínez and Emilio Ponce, last Wednesday, the 9th, in Valencia. Gtres

It is true that the parents of the happy couple do not meet again as frequently as they would all like, given the geographical distance that exists between their places of residence, Almeria and chiva. What is the relationship between Enrique and Ana Soria’s parents like? They describe her as “of great affection“.

Since they met her, “she is like their daughter, a charming girl.” It is not hidden that at the beginning, when everything broke out in the 2020 pandemic, it was a “surprise“, but today, logically, the feelings are different. It is explained that the bond is closer and more special between Ana and Enriqueta. Ponce and Soria travel, whenever they can, to Valencia.

On another note, it is worth highlighting the tremendous pride that Enriqueta and Emilio have for their son Enrique. Also for Alvarohis other offspring, but Enrique fills them with admiration.

He is a great person“, stated Enriqueta Martínez de Ponce upon leaving the bullring, this past Wednesday the 9th. It was, above all, the mother who spoke. It is one of the very few occasions in which the tone of voice of Enrique’s mother has been known. .

A mother, as they describe her, “suffering”: “There is a lot of talk about the bullfighter’s wives, but What must a mother feel watching her son risk his life?“. Emilio Ponce, Enrique’s father, spoke publicly in 2020, when the marital separation of Enrique and Paloma Cuevas (53). and the later tsunami by Ana Soria.

In those days an extinct space reporter save me He traveled to Chiva, and was able to speak with Ponce’s father. In the middle of the street, wearing the then mandatory mask, Emilio said of the divorce: “There is a cordial friendship. It has been going on for a couple of years. Things don’t work the way they should in a marriage.“.

Enrique Ponce, happy, after fighting in Valencia, on October 9.

Enrique Ponce, happy, after fighting in Valencia, on October 9. Gtres

The right-hander’s father also detailed what his family’s relationship with Paloma was like. “We’re ok. We have always been good to everyone and we want everything to stay the same“Emilio pointed out, while clarifying that he only thought about the well-being of his granddaughters.

He also clarified that his son and Ana Soria had not been in a relationship for two years, as stated: “He has known this girl for 4 or 5 months.” “We are angry with what we hear on television or sometimes see in the press. I would not like my family to continue being named. We have behaved very well with everyone. The rest is up to them,” he added.

Farewell and America

Ponce He did his last task in Valencia against a crowded bullring that vibrated with his cum. For this great day, Enrique had the unconditional support of their loved ones and prominent well-known faces, such as that of the Infanta Elena (60).

As it could not be otherwise, in addition to the right-hander’s parents, and friends – among whom were Ramon Garcia (62), Miguel Baez The Litri‘ (56), Javier Conde (49), Pepín Liria (54) or Vicente Ruiz El Soro‘(62)-, his reason for love, Ana Soria (26), was present.

Enrique Ponce, in the Valencia bullring.

Enrique Ponce, in the Valencia bullring. Gtres

After its closure in Valencia, tradition continues and the bullfighter will dress in lights, but beyond the seas, with a mini tour of America. Henry He has closed a few runs. This is what a completely reliable source told this newspaper: “Everything has already been discussed and formalized.“.

Ponce will visit some cities like Mexico, ManizalesAguascalientes and Lime. At his side, as this media assured, will be Ana Soria. They set Enrique’s adventure from December 2024 to March 2025, approximately. There will be around six tasks. Ponce is happy with this fruitful negotiation: outside of Spain Ponce is also a legend.

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