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October 10, World Mental Health Day: Stress, “health epidemic of the 21st century”

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October 10, World Mental Health Day: Stress, "health epidemic of the 21st century"

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, which will be celebrated on October 10, Ipsos has presented, once again, its study “World Mental Health Day” in which it analyzes the population’s perceptions of mental health and how it is is addressed by the health system. Thus, they point out that, the…

On the occasion of World Mental Health Daywhich will be held on October 10, Ipsos has presented, for yet another year, its study “World Mental Health Day” in which it analyzes the population’s perceptions of mental health and how it is addressed by the health system.

Thus, they point out that, Mental health has established itself as the biggest health concern worldwide for the third consecutive yeareven surpassing diseases such as cancer. At a global level, 45%, on average, of the population consider that this is the main challenge facing society, a figure that rises to 59% in Spain, being the second European country that perceives it this way the most, only behind Sweden (68%).

They also highlight that women think more (63%) than men (52%) about their mental health, as well as the younger generations.

However, they point out, “it can be seen how people still affirm that they think more often about their physical well-being than about their mental well-being. 57% of the Spanish population says they think often about their mental health compared to 74% who say they do so.” in their physical health.

Stress has established itself as one of the main factors that affect mental health globally. According to the report, “60% of the Spanish population declares that stress affects their daily life.” Thus, they describe, while 62% of women say they have felt stressed in the last year, we find that this percentage drops 5 points in men (57%). And they stand out, in Spain, it is the younger generations who declare having suffered one or several times in the last year, 72% among Millennials (25-40 years old) and 62% among Z (18-24 years old), figures very far from the 39% of Baby Boomers (56-74 years old).

In consultations

On the other hand, anxiety is currently the most frequently registered mental health problem in primary care consultations, affecting around 6.7% of the Spanish population. However, its diagnosis and approach continue to be complex.

Furthermore, the diagnosis can be complicated because patients are not always aware that these signs are due to a disorder of this type, which can contribute to the progression of symptoms and thus delay diagnosis and timely treatment, in the if necessary.

Need for a multidisciplinary approach in its approach

The López Ibor Clinic, a leading center in the treatment of psychological and psychiatric disorders for patients and families, highlights the need for a multidisciplinary and personalized approach to address current mental health challenges. According to the psychologist Pedro Neira, head of the psychology department of the clinicIn the last decade we have seen a fundamental evolution in how we understand and treat mental health, where emotional, social and psychological well-being play a central role.“.

In recent years, a broader vision of mental health has been consolidated, which not only addresses clinical aspects, but also the interaction of emotional, social and biological factors, they report. The Bio-Psycho-Social approach, recognized by the WHO since the 1970s, has begun to be applied in a more cohesive way, giving rise to multidisciplinary work teams. “This model allows us to offer therapies that integrate approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and positive psychology, personalizing treatments according to the individual needs of each patient.“explains Neira.

This center also highlights that the development of evidence-based therapies and the use of emerging technologies, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, are marking a before and after in the treatment of mental disorders. These innovations are opening new avenues to address problems that were previously difficult to treat with conventional therapies.

Alarming data on mental health globally

Also according to the WHOmental disorders will represent the main cause of disability in the world by 2030. Besides, 1 in 4 people You will experience a mental disorder throughout your life. Currently, they represent the 12.5% ​​of all health problems global. These data reflect the growing magnitude of mental health problems and underscore the need to strengthen both prevention and treatment resources.

As the López Ibor Clinic insists, “It is essential to promote the early seeking of professional help and destigmatize emotional distress“. The increase in consultations with psychologists and psychiatrists is a positive sign that social barriers to seeking help are decreasing, but there is much work to be done to ensure that mental health receives the attention it deserves.

The future of mental health: innovation and technology

Looking to the future, Pedro Neira predicts that the use of advanced technologies, such as neuromodulation, artificial intelligence and biofeedback, will revolutionize the treatment of mental disorders. “These techniques will allow us to further personalize treatments, providing new hope to those suffering from disorders resistant to traditional therapies.“concludes Neira.

How to take care of mental health on a daily basis?

As emotium psychologist Irene San Segundo Jordán specifies, “Taking care of our mental health doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require daily attention. Small changes can make a big difference. First, it is important to learn to manage our emotions. Identifying what we feel and finding healthy ways to express it helps us release tension. Something as simple as conscious breathing can be a powerful tool: inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly helps us relax in moments of stress.s”.

Another key tip, says the expert, is to maintain a stable routine. Having fixed times to eat, sleep or carry out daily activities gives a feeling of control that reduces anxiety. This applies to both children and adults, he clarifies. As for physical exercise, although it does not have to be intense, it is also essential: a walk or a few stretches a day are enough to activate our body and release endorphins, those hormones that make us feel better.

Furthermore, he insists, sleeping well and eating a balanced diet are basic pillars for our mental health. Avoiding caffeine or excess sugars can help you avoid those anxiety peaks that we sometimes feel. And, finally, do not forget the importance of social relationships. Talking to someone you trust about what we feel or simply sharing a pleasant time with friends or family can be a great relief.

To conclude, Saint Second Jordan remembers that anxiety and depression are the mental health problems that most people face today, and they affect all ages. Anxiety manifests itself with constant worries, while depression causes deep sadness and loss of interest in activities that we previously enjoyed.

Likewise, he points out that it is ironic that, in an era where we have access to so much information and resources, mental health problems continue to increase. “The answer lies partly in the demands of the modern world. Society pushes us to always be busy, connected, and perform at our best in everything. Although social networks connect us, they also lead us to constantly compare ourselves, which affects our self-esteem. Additionally, many people do not have the emotional tools to deal with stress and are sometimes embarrassed to seek”.

Do you seek help at the first symptoms or do you tend to wait?

The emotium professional describes that, Although it is increasingly common to go to a psychologist, many people still wait until the symptoms are serious before seeking help. Often, fear of stigma or the belief that ““they should be able to handle it on their own” causes people to delay visiting a specialist. However, little by little the fact of taking care of mental health with the same importance that we give to physical health is becoming normalized“.

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