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Make visible and fight stigmas, on Mental Health Day, with concern for children and young people and employment

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Make visible and fight stigmas, on Mental Health Day, with concern for children and young people and employment

On Saturday the 19th, the ninth edition of the solidarity test ‘Mental health: A long-distance race’ will be held in La Ribera Park.


The La Rioja Mental Health Association organizes, throughout this month, a series of events to commemorate Mental Health Day – whose date is tomorrow, October 10 -, with concern placed on the change in the profile of the group , with more and more children and young people with cases related to “addictions without substances”, and, especially this year, with employment for those affected.

This was pointed out this Wednesday by the president of the Association, Mariví Ercilla, who, together with the Councilor for Family, Social Services and Disability, Patricia Sainz, and the technical director of the entity, Ernesto Ortiz, have reported on the activities, especially the solidarity race in favor of mental health, which will be on Saturday, October 19.

“It’s a day to make the group visible, to value the ability of these people and to fight against stigmas and barriers, because there are still too many prejudices about mental health,” said Ercilla, who gave “worrying” figures: 1 of every four people have had, have or will have mental health problems throughout their lives“.

Numbers that become “even more serious” in the case of childhood and youth, “with one in every seven people between 10 and 19 years old having already been diagnosed” with one of these conditions. Serious and persistent mental disorders affect between 2.5 and 3% of the population, according to their data.

The The situation “has worsened after the pandemic, we have always said that the real pandemic after the coronavirus was going to be mental health, and that is what it is.” “We have a very high demand for psychology and psychotherapy services,” said the president of Salud Mental La Rioja, who highlighted precisely “the change in profile, now with very young people and with pathologies related to addictions, surprisingly, also with addictions without substances”.

Many people from 14 to 19 years old arrive, many families asking for help and, beyond the most serious disorders such as psychosis or schizophrenia or chronic ones, we are receiving a multitude of cases of generalized anxiety disorders or severe depression. Younger people are also coming to the occupational center positions.“, he noted.


Something that is “most alarming” if it is related to the world of work, an aspect that focuses on the Day in 2024: “8 out of 10 people with mental health problems do not have a job”, being “the second disability with the lowest employability rate “, to which is added that up to 52% of people with normal employment “hide the reason for sick leave if it has to do with mental health, for fear of stigma.”

That’s why, Ercilla has called for “that it is still necessary to eliminate taboos and stigmas, understand that these affected people are perfectly qualified to work, give them the opportunity to access any normalized job, and respect the quotas for people with disabilities.”

For its part, Patricia Sainz has expressed her satisfaction at presenting “a solidarity initiative that aims to make mental health patients and their families visible, through ‘mental health: A long-distance race’.”

The councilor wanted Special thanks to the La Rioja Mental Health Association for “its dedication and commitment to making mental illnesses visible” and, in this sense, “will always count on the City Council to support them and carry out all the initiatives that allow us to help people who suffer from a mental illness,” he added.

Finally, Sainz has invited all Logroño residents to participate in this race “which is an opportunity to unite in solidarity and support for all those who fight against mental illnesses and show them that they are not alone and that we are here to accompany them in their battle.”

Patricia Sainz recalled that ““We can all suffer from a mental health problem throughout our lives, and they are usually pathologies associated with a great social stigma that greatly complicates things.”


‘Mental health: A long-distance race’ will take place on Saturday, October 19, in La Ribera Park, from the pond area. According to the councilor’s data, “we hope to reach the participation of 1,000 people, as in previous editions.”

As you have detailed Ernesto Ortiz, at 11 a.m. the children’s race will begin, 1,500 meters long, around the pond; Then, at 11:30 a.m., the popular 5,000-meter race will begin, covering the entire park.

At the end, to at 12:30 p.m., after having read a manifesto related to World Mental Health Day in La Rioja, the trophies will be awarded and prize draws will be held. The day will also feature a tasting of prepared buns for all participants at 1 p.m., accompanied by musical atmosphere and inflatables for the little ones.

To participate in the race it is It is necessary to register by making a donation of 5 euros. Registration is now open and can be done at the headquarters of the La Rioja Mental Health Association, in the Santos Ochoa bookstores, in the Mauleón 2 Bar and in Fórum Sport. Also They can be done online at the link and also up to the day of the test, moments before departure.

On the occasion of Mental Health Day, the La Rioja Mental Health Association will develop different events throughout the month of October, such as the event, scheduled for tomorrow in the regional Parliament, with the reading of the day’s Manifesto; gatherings; or some technical days with professionals on October 17, 18, 24 and 25 in Logroño.

Especially, Ercilla has highlighted the presentation of the book ‘All my delirios’, the work of César Montiel, “a person who had mental health problems at the age of 19 and who now, at 27, tells them with all the courage, a book with which many labels expire”.

For its part, and To commemorate this anniversary, the Logroño City Council will illuminate the Stone Bridge, the Revellín Wall and the Murrieta Fountain in orange tomorrow, October 10.

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