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Constantes y Vitales presents their solidarity concert for mental health with Miss Caffeina, Nena Daconte, Merino and Tu Otra Bonita

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Constantes y Vitales presents their solidarity concert for mental health with Miss Caffeina, Nena Daconte, Merino and Tu Otra Bonita

Constants and Vitalsthe Corporate Responsibility initiative of laSextaundertaken together with AXA Foundationraise your voice for mental health. It will be through un charity concert organized on the occasion of its tenth anniversary and which will be held on Friday, November 29in the La Riviera room in Madrid. This Wednesday, on the eve of World Mental Health Day, he presented this event, together with the artists who make up the poster: Miss Caffeina, Nena Daconte, Merino and Your Other Beautiful. Tickets can be purchased now on the official platform (with a promotional price) and from Constantes y vitales – RSC- laSexta | CONSTANT AND VITAL< and the profits achieved from their sale will be allocated to the SPAIN MENTAL HEALTH Confederation. There will also be a zero line available for those who want to collaborate with the cause.

This unique concert will be hosted by the journalist and presenter of laSexta Mamen Mendizábal, also an ambassador for Constantes y Vitales, and who also did not want to miss the presentation of the event. Along with her, the president of the SPAIN MENTAL HEALTH Confederation, Nel González, supported the event; the general director of the AXA Foundation, Josep Alfonso; and the Corporate General Director of Atresmedia, Patricia Pérez.

During this presentation, Merino He has performed his new song acoustically “The Girl [2000]”a song that talks about the ghosts of mental health and the importance of loving ourselves and rediscovering ourselves and that moved the audience.

During the press conference, the Corporate General Director of Atresmedia, Patricia Perezpointed out that “every day 20 million people pass through our television and radio channels and all these citizens have confidence in us and we are involved with them and helping them, that is why these initiatives were born.” “This is not just about raising awareness, we must take action,” he added, using as an example the ‘2% Objective’ initiative to demand that investment in science be increased to that percentage of GDP, and it must also be done firmly and continuously: “We have been working for mental health and other commitments for many years, not now, and to continue helping,” he remarked, before thanking “all these musicians who accompany us for free and are supporting us to be able to approach society on such a relevant issue. “Everything adds up, no matter how small of an action we do.”

The general director of the AXA Foundation, Josep Alfonsohas stressed that, ten years later, “the original spirit of Constantes y Vitales remains alive: giving visibility, mobilizing many people and, furthermore, we have managed to change things.” He has also offered some data from an AXA study on the effect of mental health in Europe and Asia, such as that 1 in 3 Spaniards recognizes that they have some type of mental health problem and that we have one of the highest rates in the world. consumption of drugs to alleviate mental health. “Therefore, we have to talk about this,” Alfonso stressed, “because we all have to put it on today’s agenda, we have to continue moving forward and today we have artists to help us.”

Nel Gonzálezpresident of the CONfederation SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA, an entity that integrates more than 340 associations and of which 60,000 members are part, has assured that this problem “can happen to all of us; We must learn to dismantle myths, to listen, to accompany” and has pointed to education from childhood, resources and awareness to “help save lives.” “The media has the ability to fight against stereotypes,” he said, thanking Constantes y Vitales for the initiative, because “we can get out of the deepest suffering if we hold on to that lifeline that is hope and the environment.” . González has focused on “young people, a generation called glass, who faces social, housing, economic, labor, etc. problems, but they are made of glass because they are transparent, not because they are fragile” and, in this sense, he applauded the celebration of this solidarity concert because “we cannot find a better way to connect with them than through the artists who are references for them. “Music unites, it is therapeutic, it gives us life and hope.”

Raise your voice for mental health

Sergio Sastreof Miss Caffeinahas stated that mental health, “as a result of the pandemic, became a hit, and we must not let it be a hit and be diluted, on the contrary, it is a tentacle that catches everyone, it is a social emergency , it has touched us very closely and we are totally involved”, while his partner Alberto Jimenez He assured that “we feel very aligned and involved and we must raise our voices.”

For its part, Maria Menesesof Nena Dacontehas stated that “my message is to help give visibility and give hope to everyone who hears it.” After commenting that “in 2010 I was diagnosed with psychotic depression”, she added that “in 2024 I can say that I have been cured, I have removed the bell jar, which Silvia Pla said, that did not let me breathe.” “After having been on the other side, this message of breaking this taboo and removing these prejudices is important; people can feel very alone, very discriminated against. “Music is what moves the heart and emotions in a brutal way,” he remarked.

Albertof Your Other Beautifulhas pointed out that “the songs are always diverse, each song can move something, each person associates them and takes them to their own life, and they always help. If you feel like crying, that moment is also important, that can give you the opportunity to move forward,” to which his partner Felix He added that “many people write to you and tell you that they are going to leave the house just to see a concert, this is nice. There is a lot of talk among artists about mental health, we live in a hectic life and we should take care and know how to stop and the artist sometimes has to stop too. “We will give it our all.”

Sandraof Merinohas been convinced that “it is going to be a concert where emotions are going to be on the surface, mental health is going to be talked about, so it is an event that we should all go to, it is a topic that is In our daily lives, we do not have to leave aside. “It is urgent.” Alexalso a member of the group, has said that “a friend told me a long time ago that all people need to feel part of something and I think that with this we are achieving it, accepting ourselves as we are and taking care of ourselves, on the day of the concert we are all going to be part of something”.

Constants and Vitals, ten years of history… ten years of life

This solidarity concert for mental health, of which Europe FM It is an official station, it is part of the calendar of special actions designed by Constantes y Vitales in the year in which it celebrates its tenth anniversary. A decade of intense work supporting science in our country and in which we have achieved important milestones related to investment in science and biomedical research, and also in matters of prevention and awareness. The importance of making mental health visible has been one of them, a topic that had already been addressed in 2021, sensitive to the consequences of this disorder and at a time when the pandemic increased this problem in society. It was through the campaign ‘This is what we have to talk about’, in which Ana Pastor, José Yélamo, Mamen Mendizábal, Cristina Pedroche and Iñaki López focused on the need to eliminate the stigma towards this type of disease and delve deeper into its knowledge to deal with them. And also with the series of interviews ‘Tomorrow can be you’, conducted by Ana Pastor and available on atresplayer.

Today this message is even more relevant and, therefore, Constantes y Vitales takes a step further for mental health: With the concert on November 29 in La Riviera, the voices of artists, society and those who suffer from mental health disorders will join together.

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