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The Pope will receive a mosaic made by users of a mental health center

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The Pope will receive a mosaic made by users of a mental health center

On the eve of World Day on October 10, on the sidelines of tomorrow’s general audience, some people who benefit from a rehabilitation and social reintegration itinerary will present Francis with a mosaic made at the “La Fábrica de los Sueños” Day Center. of the Mental Health Department of the ASL Roma2. Psychiatrist Cozza: is a testament to the power of relationships; Patients should not be discarded, but listened to and accompanied.

Antonella Palermo – Vatican City

Mental health, a multifaceted universe that is often relegated to the territory of human “discards.” The World Health Organization estimates that almost one billion people live with a mental disorder and that one person in the world commits suicide every 40 seconds. In Italy there are about 770,000 people with mental health problems assisted by public services. But along with them there are more than two million citizens who do not have access to assistance. In France, the Prime Minister even declared that mental health will be the country’s ”great national cause” in 2025. On October 10, a day dedicated to raising awareness among governments and communities about the importance of investing in this sector will be held. . On the eve of the anniversary, on October 9 – on the sidelines of the General Audience in the Vatican – some users who are beneficiaries of a rehabilitation and social reintegration program will give Pope Francis a mosaic made over a couple of months in the Mosaic and Design workshop Artistic of the La Fábrica de los Sueños day center of the Department of Mental Health ASL Roma2. It will be a moment to commemorate the commitment of Franco Basaglia, on the centenary of his birth, who would have loved to meet the Pontiff but who in the end, due to a serious illness that overtook the well-known psychiatrist, was unable to do so.

Work together, share, produce freedom

«Even though the voices told me not to do anything, I forced myself to work and contribute anyway and in the end it gave me satisfaction. It was a struggle, but it was worth it,” says Patrick, 35. «Sometimes I get discouraged, but being with others gives me confidence. The mosaic is actually very pretty and, to be honest, at first I didn’t think it would turn out that well. I hope that people who see it understand the true meaning, which is that we are all equal even if some are sicker than others. It is an image of Basaglia that is composed on the mosaic formed by many pieces of marble placed by users. They worked with the masters of art, thanks to whom they were able to learn to work together, to share thoughts and emotions, in a serene and collaborative environment. “Each piece represented a fragment of each person who came together to tell a story of hope and freedom, not just the image of Basaglia,” explains Massimo Cozza, director of the Mental Health Department at ASL Roma 2.

An art and care workshop

The mosaic is engraved with the phrase “madness is a human condition”, which “restores the dignity of a person even to those who suffer from mental disorders, and was Franco Basaglia’s greatest teaching.” The mosaic,” observes Dr. Cozza, “is also a thank you to Franco Basaglia for an extraordinary revolution that made it possible for those who made it to no longer be confined in a madhouse.” Ideally, adds the psychiatrist, we can say that it is well reminiscent of Francis’ encyclical on fraternity and social friendship Fratelli tutti. «The creation of this mosaic was for the patients not only an art and care workshop, but also a symbolic act of testimony and rebirth that gave voice to their stories. “They did it out of mutual respect and the awareness that there are no longer people to lock up, but only those to listen to and accompany.” After all, mental health has become a priority for the Dicastery for Integral Human Development also in light of the human rights violations that are sometimes committed against those who suffer from these types of disorders. This was discussed at the Vatican last January, in an ad hoc conference that also illustrated the work of the Association of Catholic Ministers of Mental Health.

Mental illness must be listened to and accompanied

«It was exhausting but beautiful. “I didn’t think it would look so pretty,” says Pierluigi, 39. «I worked a lot on writing, which is also very significant for my life, because I am a human person, who suffers a lot but is committed. Making this mosaic was an incentive to come to the Center and be with others to work together. We could never have done it alone because it would have been too difficult. Together it was different. It is an artistic expression that wants to become a symbol of a condition that concerns everyone, the creators emphasize, and not only those who carry within themselves the signs of suffering and anguish. «Madness must be observed, understood and treated with humanity and respect. This is, in short, Basaglia’s spiritual testament and intellectual legacy,” says director Cozza.

The RO.MENS Festival

The activity of the route around the mosaic is inserted in the third edition of the Festival of mental health RO.MENS for social inclusion against prejudice, organized by the Department guided by doctor Cozza, in collaboration with the Social Policy Advisory and alla Salute di Roma Capitale, with the sponsorship of the RAI. Following the various initiatives, the exhibition “Basaglia, 100 photographs in 100 years of its birth”, presses at the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture. The soundtrack of the Festival is the song “Nessuno è normale” sung by Mariella Nava, accompanied by Nando Citarella and Andrea Satta, with the help and operators of the Department. Nava è stata also godmother of that che è il primo concorso per canzoni inedite riguardanti le tematiche della salute mentale, Music@Mens, che il 7 octobre al Teatro Tor Bella Monaca, a Roma, has seen the presentation of 76 new brani and foresees the awards on the 8th October in Campidoglio. With the slogan ‘Uniti per la salute mentale’, on the occasion of the Giornata Mondiale di giovedì, and Dipartimenti di Salute Mentale si aprono al publico con 150 incontri in tutta Italia, a cui sono invitationti cittadini, pazienti e familiali, volontari, operatorsi sanitari e administrator

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