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Studying Medicine without going to Primary School: “It should not be allowed…”

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"Terminar Medicina sin pisar un centro de salud no se debe permitir"

Antoni Bennàsar, Andrés Real, Andrés Fernández, Joseba Gotzon, María Pilar Gayoso, Vicente Martín.

The specialty of Family and Community Medicine is one of the options that healthcare providers have on the table. after completing their studies but it is a branch that “is not one of the most attractive” due to factors such as “prestige or remuneration”, as explained Andrés Fernández Ramos, professor in the area of ​​Library Science at the University of León.

Fernández Ramos, within the framework of the 46th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Primary Care (Semergen), has pointed out that another factor “that has been commented on a lot” is the “little presence of Family and Community Medicine in the Degree”which makes it difficult for healthcare workers to opt for that option.

Andrés Fernández Ramos, professor in the area of ​​Library Science at the University of León.

The teacher has indicated that “training in Family and Community Medicine has been increasing in recent years“But he added that “there is still a long way to go”

Likewise, he has reported that the situation “It is better in the rotary part than in the theoretical-practical subjects” and it is in this last field in which the bet must be increased.

A specific subject of Primary Care

For his part, Andrés Real Fernández, 6th year Medicine student and vice president of External Affairs of the State Council of Undergraduate Students, that future healthcare professionals consider Primary Care “a fundamental piece” and, therefore, They ask for the creation of “a mandatory subject of Family and Community Medicine” that is taught in all educational centers in Spain.

Andrés Real Fernández, 6th year Medicine student and vice president of External Affairs of the State Council of Undergraduate Students and Antoni Bennasar Figueras has a Doctor in Biology from the University of the Balearic Islands.

Said matter would help “dignification and appreciation” of the specialty, which also lacks “more human and material resources.” Regarding this, Real Fernández has indicated that “25 percent of the health budget should be dedicated to Primary Care.”

This subject that medical students claim, according to the sixth year student, must count “with specific skills that give value to what the family doctor does” since the doctor “sees pathologies of all kinds.”

Likewise, Real Fernández has stressed that Family Medicine “must have psychosocial aspects of individuals and groups” as well as training “in Rural Medicine.”

Regarding this, the student has pointed out that the focus should also be placed, in this mandatory subject, “on the care for patients at extreme ages of life“, both in children and elderly people.

Antoni Bennàsar, Andrés Real, Andrés Fernández, Joseba Gotzon, María Pilar Gayoso, Vicente Martín.

Resources for teachers

In addition, Real Fernández has demanded teachers who have “sufficient resources to carry out this teaching with the creation of specific teaching bodies” and strengthen “the figure of the health center as an ideal medium for learning.”

On the other hand, the vice president of External Affairs of the State Council of Medical Students has commented that “a student should not be allowed to finish medicine without setting foot in a health center.”

Regarding Primary Care, Real Fernández has stated that there are aspects, such as “working conditionsin which it must be improved to optimize Family and Community Medicine.

“Avoid the fragmentation of teaching”

Joseba Gotzon Pineda Ortíz, dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Basque Country, has indicated that the objective from the university level is “have a pluripotential and integrated vision of the graduateprovide scientific training, have professionals who teach and comply with common basic regulations.

Joseba Gotzon Pineda Ortíz, dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Basque Country.

Along these lines, Pineda Ortín has explained that it is fundamental “avoid both a fragmentation of teachingthat is, few credits and a sum of mini-specialties, such as overlap with content or competencies of Specialized Health Training”.

In summary, the dean has commented that The university “must seek transversality, integration and scientific foundation of the Degree”. Also, these educational centers have to “talk about skills and content and not so much about specialties or proper names.”

Antoni Bennàsar, Andrés Real, Andrés Fernández, Joseba Gotzon, María Pilar Gayoso, Vicente Martín.

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