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What is ‘Noah Syndrome’ and why is it already a public health problem?

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What is 'Noah Syndrome' and why is it already a public health problem?

It is not strange to live at home with one or even several pets. In fact, according to the National Association of Pet Food Manufacturers, there are already more than 30 million pets in Spain. That is, one pet for every 1.5 inhabitants. Many choose their company since they offer different types of benefits, among which the reduction of stress or the general increase in happiness stand out. However, they could become a problem if they accumulate compulsively. This is what is known as ‘Noah Syndrome’.

Noah’s Syndrome is already a public health problem

Compulsive animal hoarding is more common than it seems. Although most cases do not even come to light, different groups such as FAADA (Foundation for Advice and Action in Defense of Animals) assure that it is a problem that continues to increase. “There are more and more people suffering from a psychiatric disorder known as Noah Syndrome”he maintains. In fact, scientists from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) assure in their latest report published in the magazine ‘Animal Welfare’ that this situation is already “becoming a public health problem.” The reality is that most of these cases go unnoticed since those who suffer from it “isolate themselves from the rest of society, finding in animals the company that they avoid having with other humans,” according to FAADA. Usually, it is not until a neighbor or someone you know notifies the authorities of the situation that they intervene. Nevertheless, only 58% of cases are registered due to neighborhood complaints.

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