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25 years at the service of the protection of human and animal health

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Update date: October 4, 2024

This 2024, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) celebrates 25 years as a state agency attached to the Ministry of Health responsible for guaranteeing society, from a public service perspective, the quality, safety, effectiveness and correct information of the medicines and health products.

The AEMPS was launched in 1999 after the approval of the Statute of the Spanish Medicines Agency and four years later, in 2003, it incorporated health products, cosmetics, hygiene products and biocides for clinical and personal use into its powers through the Law 16/2003, of May 28, on cohesion and quality of the national health system.

Since then, this organization has been growing both in number of workers and in volume of activity, consolidating itself as a reference health authority for citizens and health professionals in terms of guarantees of quality, safety, effectiveness, information and accessibility of services. medicines, health products, cosmetics, personal care products and biocides.

Likewise, the AEMPS is committed to supporting research and innovation, as well as collaboration with agents in the sector and institutions in the public and private sphere, so that the availability of new treatments and diagnostic tools occurs quickly and with the highest possible level of security for citizens.

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Commemorative events for the 25th anniversary of the AEMPS

With the aim of celebrating these 25 years of serving the protection of human and animal health, the AEMPS is going to organize, between now and the end of the year, a series of dialogues with recognized experts in different areas of its competence.

The opening ceremony will be on October 1, at 5:00 p.m., at the AEMPS headquarters. This event will be chaired by the Minister of Health of Spain, Mónica García, and will feature the participation of other authorities such as the president of the AEMPS, the Secretary of State for Health, Javier Padilla, among others.

In addition, this inaugural event will feature the first of the five dialogues that the Agency will organize with the aim of emphasizing the scientific nature at the service of health of this organization. In it, the director of the AEMPS, María Jesús Lamas, will have a conversation with Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisúa, a pioneering researcher in developmental biology, regenerative medicine and cellular aging.

After this first event, the AEMPS will hold four more thematic dialogues, one for each of its work areas (medicines for human use, veterinary medicines, inspection and control of medicines and health products), through which it intends to put into practice value the scientific and innovation capacity of Spain and the work of the AEMPS as a scientific-technical organization.

The dates of these four dialogues, as well as the registration forms to attend each of them, will soon be available on the AEMPS website. All dialogues, including the inaugural one, will be broadcast live on the AEMPS YouTube channel.

Inaugural event of the commemorative events of the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).

The event will be chaired by the Minister of Health, Mónica García and will feature interventions from other authorities such as the general director of Health and Food Safety of the European Commission, Sandra Gallina, the director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Emer Cooke, and the Secretary of State for Health and president of the AEMPS, Javier Padilla.

This event will also include the first of the five dialogues that the AEMPS will organize until the end of the year with the aim of emphasizing its scientific nature at the service of health.

  • Date: October 1, 2024
  • Time: 5:00 p.m.
  • Location: AEMPS headquarters (C/Campezo, 1. Edificio 8. 28022 Madrid)
  • Agenda

Conversation between Mª Jesús Lamas and Juan Carlos Izpisúa

Photo Mª Jesús Lamas

Mª Jesús Lamas

Director of the AEMPS since 2018 and, in addition, a member of the coordinating group of the network of European medicines agencies and the Management Board of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Doctor in Pharmacy (extraordinary award) from the University of Santiago de Compostela, she is a specialist in hospital pharmacy and is accredited as a clinical pharmacist in Oncology by the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties (BPS) and the American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA).

Until she took over as director of the AEMPS, she directed the Pharmacy Service of the Santiago University Hospital Complex (CHUS), while coordinating the Platforms and Methodology Area of ​​the Santiago Health Research Institute (IDIS – ISCIII).

Juan Carlos Izpisúa

A researcher specialized in the fields of developmental biology and aging, Juan Carlos Izpisúa is the founding scientist of Altos Lab and director of the San Diego division of High Institutes of Sciencewhere he works on the development of technologies to program cells to states similar to those observed in the early stages of life with the aim of preventing and slowing the onset of diseases and human aging. He currently combines his work at Altos Lab with that of a professor at the University of California.

Doctor in Biochemistry and Pharmacology from the University of Bologna and the University of Valencia, Izpisúa has contributed to understanding the molecular bases of embryogenesis, regeneration and rejuvenation of tissues and organs.

After conducting postdoctoral research at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, he joined the Salk Institute in 1993, where he worked as a research professor. and directed the Roger Guillemin chair at the Gene Expression Laboratory for almost 30 years.

Photo Juan Carlos Izpisua

Veterinary event organized within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).

The head of the AEMPS Management Support Unit, Antonio López, will be in charge of opening the event. After her intervention, a dialogue will take place between the head of the Department of Veterinary Medicines of the AEMPS, Consuelo Rubio, and the director of the Metabolic Interactions Group of the National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), Guadalupe Sabio.

  • Date: October 14, 2024
  • Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Location: AEMPS headquarters (C/Campezo, 1. Edificio 8. 28022 Madrid)
  • Registration: to attend in person it is necessary to register in this form
  • Live broadcast on YouTube

Conversation between Consuelo Rubio and Guadalupe Sabio

Photo Mª Jesús Lamas

Consuelo Rubio

Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicines of the AEMPS, Consuelo Rubio has developed part of her professional career in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Veterinarian and graduate in Health from the National School of Health of the Carlos III Institute, as director of the Department of Veterinary Medicines, she works in the coordination of the National Plan against Antibiotic Resistance (PRAN) in human and veterinary medicines and is a focal point in Spain from the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO) for veterinary medicines.

In addition, it is a member of the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products (CVMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), where the evaluation and registration of innovative medicines and new therapies is carried out. Likewise, it actively works in the Network of Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA), one of whose work strategies is to ensure the availability of medicines for both human and veterinary use.

Guadalupe Sabio

Graduate in Veterinary Sciences from the University of Extremadura and PhD from the British Medical Research Council of Dundee and the University of Extremadura. He completed a postdoctoral stay at the University of Massachusetts, where he contributed to the understanding of the role of JNK1 in diabetes and metabolism. After that, he returned to Spain in 2012 to study how obesity produces secondary diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. His work has been published in high-impact journals such as Science, Nature and Cell.

She is currently Principal Investigator at the CNIO, where she directs the Organ Crosstalk in Metabolic Diseases group. His research focuses on how obesity and metabolic alterations affect communication between organs and contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer. His group addresses three key areas: adipose tissue dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and alterations in cellular metabolism. Recently, he has discovered mechanisms that regulate the drive to exercise and is investigating how exercise may protect against tumor development.

Among her recognitions are the L’Oréal-UNESCO Spain Prize (2010), the Princess of Girona Prize for Science (2012) and the Banco Sabadell Prize (2021) and the Carmen y Severo Ochoa Prize 2023.

Photo Juan Carlos Izpisua

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