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the prejudices he faced due to his relationship with Cormillot and the memory of the hardest moment of his life

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the prejudices he faced due to his relationship with Cormillot and the memory of the hardest moment of his life

Stephanie Pasquini (38) rose to fame years ago for the beginning of her romantic relationship with Alberto Cormillot (86). Today they are married and have a beautiful family with their son, Emilio, who just turned three years old.

But the path in the relationship was not all easy. Estefanía had to fight against her own prejudices. On the one hand, those that had to do with age: the renowned doctor is 48 years older. And on the other hand, he had been her professor in college and, at the time of starting the relationship, he was her boss.

What began as a strictly professional relationship, over time, transformed into something more. It was Cormillot who, according to Pasquini in an intimate interview with Clariontook the first step with some indications.

“He started telling me things and was always very respectful. I started telling my friends and told them: ‘But what can I talk to a guy of that age? What am I going to do?’ It was like I didn’t understand anything,” he admits.

However, the daily work at the Cormillot clinic made them begin to have more in-depth conversations: “There I met him from another place and we laughed a lot. We are both only children and have mothers with very similar styles and we laughed a lot sharing things that we both experienced. I started to get to know him and I said ‘I have a lot more fun than with anyone else.’ And then I started telling my friends.”

Estefanía Pasquini, in Clarín. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros.Estefanía Pasquini, in Clarín. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros.

Her love story with Alberto Cormillot and her family’s prejudices

One day Pasquini admitted to her friends that things were happening to her with Alberto. All of them supported her from the beginning. “The only one who continued to deny that something was wrong with him was me, because the age difference didn’t enter my head And besides, he is my boss,” explains the nutritionist.

And graphic: “Because If you think about a young girl and an older man, you can’t come up with very favorable ideas, or at least they didn’t come to me. That’s why I also sometimes understand the prejudices that exist and what people think, because I thought the same thing.”

With internal work, numerous talks with friends and sessions with her psychologist, Estefanía was able to leave behind those prejudices she had.

Estefanía Pasquini, hand in hand with María Lapadula. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros.Estefanía Pasquini, hand in hand with María Lapadula. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros.

Of her family, the first one that Estefanía told about her relationship with Cormillot was her mother, from whom she did not receive the support she imagined.

“I told him that I had something to tell him, that I was seeing someone. She answered: ‘I know what’s happening to you, you’re going to tell me that you’re a lesbian…’. There was nothing wrong with that, but it wasn’t the point. And when I tell her about Alberto, she grabs her head and tells me ‘I’d rather you tell me that you were a lesbian,’” she says.

His father’s reaction was not very different: “When I told my dad it was like ‘well, if it makes you happy…’.” And there it was. But he didn’t like it at all”.

Of course, Estefanía continued with her relationship, which for “a few months” was secret, far from the public life they maintain today.

“It all happened pretty quickly because I lived alone in my house and he lived in his. And suddenly one day I found that I slept there every night. He was the one who left me a toothbrush and said ‘why don’t we prepare this bath for you?’. And then at another time he tells me ‘why don’t you rent your apartment if you’re living with me?’” he says.

Estefanía Pasquini and Alberto Cormillot. Photo: Instagram.Estefanía Pasquini and Alberto Cormillot. Photo: Instagram.

And he emphasizes: “When we realized that we were almost living together, we said ‘well, we have to start telling it’”.

-Did your parents never accept the relationship?

-When they saw that we were continuing to advance they said ‘well, let’s get to know’, because we were almost home. And when I took him to my parents’ house, my mother grabbed him and said ‘Look Alberto, what do you want with my daughter? Don’t you realize the age difference you have? Don’t you realize that you’re going to leave her alone tomorrow?’ I couldn’t believe it! We all looked like we couldn’t believe what was happening.

-What did Alberto answer?

-Alberto told him that he was right, that the age difference was big, that this was going to happen, that we were both aware of it, but the love we had for each other was stronger. To this day, my mom, if I tell her about an argument, she defends him and tells me ‘leave him alone’, heh. He adores him.

The search for your child and the connection to faith

Over time, Alberto and Estefanía decided to take a step further and start a family. They began the search for a pregnancy and They became parents Emilio.

According to Pasquini, the decision to become parents was something “very thought out and much talked about,” but achieving pregnancy was not easy at allto the point that, on one occasion, the doctors told him that It was going to be “almost impossible.”

Estefania Pasquini. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros.Estefania Pasquini. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros.

“In another place they didn’t take us because they told us that what we wanted was crazy,” he remembers. And he continues: “Later in another, they cut off my treatments, since the eggs didn’t grow, they said ‘well, that’s it, we’ll cut it off.’”

“In those moments your head spins. The fact that they don’t give you hope…”Estefanía is sincere.

“One time the doctor called me alone and told me: ‘Look, I’m telling you, please don’t tell Alberto. But there’s not much chance you’ll be able to be a mom.’”tells as an example.

Emilio Cormillot and Estefanía Pasquini, the day they announced that they were expecting a child. Photo: Instagram.Emilio Cormillot and Estefanía Pasquini, the day they announced that they were expecting a child. Photo: Instagram.

At that time, Estefanía, on the advice of a follower of the networks, began to visit the Virgin of Sweet Waiting.

“I always went and asked for everyone, for those who could, for those who couldn’t and wanted to adopt, for whatever, but that they be given… And from there I began to meet people who told me that They had gone because they had seen me on the networks and wrote to me when they got pregnant. “I couldn’t believe what was happening,” says Estefanía, who finally moved forward with treatment and was able to get pregnant.

And Emilio was born on September 17, 2021.

Emilio Cormillot, Estefanía Pasquini, Alberto Cormillot.Emilio Cormillot, Estefanía Pasquini, Alberto Cormillot.

“We come from something that has so much to do with science… I always say ‘go to the doctor.’ But support yourself in everything, because trusting and believing that there is something that is accompanying you and taking care of you relaxes you. That is, I am giving everything I have and let it be what it has to be,” he reflects.

Estefanía Pasquini and her difficult past: bullying, eating problems and depression

Estefanía, with confidence, maintains that today “she is at her best”, however, to achieve this she had to leave behind difficult moments that began in her adolescence, when eating problems arose.

“From the age of 15 I started to have weight gains and losses. From 15 to 18 I was overweight. Then I decided ‘I don’t eat anymore’ and went to the other extreme.I don’t know what weight I reached. There I felt divine because suddenly I no longer had the burdens,” she explains, but then clarifies that bullying was always present, “when I was overweight and when I lost weight.”

Estefania Pasquini: "In my adolescence I had many weight gains and losses.". Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros.Estefanía Pasquini: “In my adolescence I had many weight gains and losses.” Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros.

Pasquini says that his eating problems lasted about 13 years. In between, he also went through depression.

“It is very, very difficult to think about food all the time. It costs you your life, it costs you your friends, it costs you… I had a boyfriend at that time, like he was 20, and the kid got tired. We didn’t even have relationships, because a person with anorexia doesn’t have the desire… They don’t have… They don’t have the desire to live basically.”

“No one knew what to do with me.”says Estefanía, remembering her worst moment.

Estefania Pasquini, years ago. Photos: Instagram.Estefania Pasquini, years ago. Photos: Instagram.

Over time, with the support of his close circle and with adequate treatment, he managed to begin to move forward.

Currently, he uses this life experience in his work as a nutritionist, standing out for the empathy he feels for his patients.

“All of that was what made me come to this. When I started dealing with patients I realized what the bond with a patient is, the need you have to see them well,” he explains. And he points out: “When I see them that they can’t, that they are dedicated, it hurts me so much and I take it as something personal. It happens to me that I lived it. I know what it’s like to be in the hole and I can assure you that it will come out. And a life worth living awaits you.”

María Lapadula Costume: Paz Cornú @pazcornu

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