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Santander hosts two days on mental health, one dedicated to schoolchildren and another for professionals

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Mental health days


Organized by the City Council and Father Menni, the sessions are part of the celebration of Mental Health Day and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the center with the aim of raising awareness among the adolescent population about mental health and reflecting on the progress and challenges in this area

The Santander City Council, through the Departments of Health and Education, and the Padre Menni hospital center have jointly organized two days on mental health, one dedicated to schoolchildren and another for professionals.

This was announced by the councilors of both areas, Zulema Gancedo and Noemí Méndez, who presented the sessions accompanied by Marián Carbajo, care director; María Fernández, psychologist; and Emma Carmona, coordinator of Social Integration, at the Padre Menni hospital center, respectively.

The first of the days will be held on Monday the 7th at the Exhibition Center under the title ‘Understand my mind’ and is organized on the occasion of World Mental Health Day. It is aimed at students of Compulsory Secondary Education and training cycles with the aim of raising awareness in the adolescent population about mental health. More than 465 students from 7 educational centers will participate, 5 of them from Santander.

The session will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the opening, which will be followed by a talk from the National Police in which important topics such as misuse of the Internet, substance abuse and the dangers that all this entails will be addressed.

Afterwards, students will be able to approach six stands where they will work, through active and participatory dynamics, from emotions to the stigma associated with mental health. The stands will revolve around the following aspects: ‘Get excited’, ‘The bet is you’, ‘Pu…fear’, ‘Distortion’, ‘Emotional first aid’ and ‘the line of prejudice’.

For its part, on Friday the 11th the Magdalena Auditorium will host a technical day with the aim of reflecting on the advances and challenges in the field of mental health, which will focus on collaboration between social and health services. In recent years, the center has worked to offer comprehensive, person-centered care, promoting the inclusion and rehabilitation of people with mental health problems.

Throughout the day, experts will participate and share their experiences and knowledge in key areas such as intersectoral coordination, innovation and advanced research in mental health. These discussions will allow us to continue moving towards normalized, inclusive and accessible mental health for all.

“These sessions represent a firm commitment to the mental health and well-being of our community, and from the City Council we are delighted to collaborate in this important initiative,” Gancedo and Méndez highlighted.


1. October 7. II Mental Health Awareness Day. “Understand my mind” Exhibition Palace

-9:30h Opening ceremony

-Next, talk from the National Police. They will address such important topics as the misuse of the Internet, substance abuse, and the dangers that all of this entails.

-Afterwards, students will be able to approach six stands where we will work through active and participatory dynamics, from emotions to the stigma associated with mental health.

1. ‘Get excited’. At this stand, emotions will be explored through paintings created in the creative workshop of our center and an interactive activity with a “roulette of emotions.” Students will be able to connect with their emotions in a creative and reflective way.

2. ‘The bet is you’. Using tablets, students will answer a questionnaire about the different addictions most present today, in which we will see how this type of leisure is growing.

3. ‘Pu…scared’. This is an area in which to share and express messages of support.

4. ‘Distortion’. Cognitive distortions will be explored, which are alterations in the way we interpret and process information. Students will be helped to identify them and reformulate them in a healthier and more objective way.

5. ‘Emotional first aid’. The aim is to provide students with tools and resources that allow them to effectively confront difficult or emotionally challenging situations.

6. ‘The line of prejudice’. Through this activity, we will work to identify and reflect on the prejudices associated with mental illness that influence our perception and behavior. The aim is for students to recognize how these prejudices affect their decisions and relationships, promoting a more open and understanding attitude.

2. October 11. Technical day. Magdalena Auditorium

-10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. | OPENING ACT. Genoveva Sánchez. HSC. Vice Superior CH Father Menni; Carlos Victor Pajares. Managing Director. CH Father Menni; representative of the regional government; and representatives of the City Council.

-10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. | INAUGURAL CONFERENCE

MODERATOR: María Fernández. Psychologist. CRPS Father Menni Torrelavega.

“Current situation of Mental Health, challenges and priorities.” Manuel Martin. medical director of the Aita Menni Hospital, president of the FIDMAG Foundation, president of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health.

-11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. | QUESTION TIME

-11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | COFFEE BREAK

-12:00h. – 1:00 p.m. | ROUND TABLE. MODERATOR: Teresa Novoa. CRPS Director Father Menni Torrelavega. “Collaborative Models between Social Services and Health in Mental Health.”

Speakers: Beatriz Cayuso. Psychological Technique. Community Resources Section. Cantabrian Institute of Social Services (ICASS); Paula Diaz. Nurse. Technical Support to the Mental Health Plan. Cantabrian Health Service (SCS); José Luis Arroyo. Technical Director Psychosocial Rehabilitation Line. San Miguel Clinic, Hospital Sisters Madrid; and Arantza Ayarza. Territorial socio-health coordinator. Head of Mental Health Section and Social and Health Area. Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa.

-1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. | QUESTION TIME

-1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | MODERATOR CONFERENCE: Beatriz Cienfuegos. CRPS Director Father Menni Santander. “Innovation, research and technology in Mental Health.” Susana García. Doctor in Biomedicine and Molecular Biology.

-2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. | QUESTION TIME

-2:15 p.m. | CLOSING ACT

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