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Consultants | NTT Data: the consulting firm linked to Israel and Saudi Arabia that will design the new Osakidetza PEOs – El Salto

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Consultants | NTT Data: the consulting firm linked to Israel and Saudi Arabia that will design the new Osakidetza PEOs - El Salto

The support of the PNV and PSE-EE in the Basque Parliament for a non-law proposition of EH Bildu represents the first agreement on Osakidetza reached between the three political parties. In this way, Parliament calls on the Department of Health to “review” the Osakidetza Public Employment Offers (OPE) model, adopt “urgent measures to resolve them quickly” and address formulas that give “greater stability” to the staff.

The nationalist party considers, however, that it is necessary for the Government to respond with “facts” that go “beyond words” and the LAB union will try to “achieve real transformation measures.” In relation to an alleged change of attitude on the part of the new Lehendakari and the new Minister of Health to get the dialogue back on track, ELA warns that “instead of taking measures in Osakidetza, the Lehendakari Imanol Pradales has convened a new table to hide his responsibility and “gain time” and ESK remembers that Alberto Martínez, the new Basque Health Minister, was “vocal in doped OPEs.”

According to data from Hordago-El Saltothe truth is that the Department of Health decided at the end of May to outsource the service until December 2024 to find a “new solution for the management” of Public Employment Offers in Osakidetza. The consulting firm chosen to provide the service, NTT Data, hired the son of a senior Basque Government official, Frumen Molinero, director of Health Assurance and Contracting, as a health consultant in 2021. He was dismissed in September due to problems in the transfers of the contracted ambulances.

The consulting firm chosen to manage the Osakidetza OPEs, NTT Data, hired the son of a senior Basque Government official as a health consultant in 2021, who was dismissed in September due to problems in the transfers of the contracted ambulances.

The former senior official Frumen Molinero also worked for a consulting firm, in this case Coopers & Lybrand, before being appointed head of Audits and Control of Public Companies of the Intervention Directorate of the Treasury Department of the Basque Government (1992-1997), and more later Financial Economic Director of Osatek (1997-2011).

For his part, the consultant Álvaro Molinero is co-author of a study on Osakidetza published by the Basque Government in 2020 and also signed by Frumen Molinero. The study, entitled “Integrated Social Value (IV) of the Santa Marina Hospital in Bilbao monetizing the social value for the stakeholders”, signed by the son as a consultant for the private firm and the father as a senior official in the Department of Health of the Basque Government. A few years before, Frumen Molinero was Economic and Financial Director of the Santa Marina de Osakidetza Hospital between 2011 and 2018.

Álvaro Molinero remains linked to the consulting firm NTT Data, advertising that among the “most notable projects” in which he has participated is the Consulting Service of the Public Health Surveillance Network of Euskadi, awarded to the firm in 2022 by the Computer Society of the Basque Government (EJIE). This contract is mentioned in a resolution of the Basque Competition Authority dated January 2024, which warns of the new techniques of computer consulting firms to monopolize EJIE contracts.

Instead of agreeing on coverage offers to manipulate contracts, consultancies like NTT Data form UTEs and end up subcontracting the outsourced public services among themselves “in 80% of the lots”

Despite not being able to prove infractions, the regulatory authority puts on the table that computer consultancies such as NTT Data itself have sophisticated their techniques, giving rise to a “very high lack of attendance.” Instead of agreeing on coverage offers, competitors form UTEs and end up subcontracting outsourced public services among themselves “in 80% of the lots.”

NTT Data health consultant Álvaro Molinero is, in turn, delegate in Euskadi of the Signo Foundation, an entity chaired by Josep Pomar, recently appointed manager of the main health institution in Catalonia, the Institut Català de Salut (ICS).

the Basque Country
Public health This is how 220 million Osakidetza are distributed between companies linked to former PNV officials

According to the documentation sent by the Ministry of Health to the Basque Parliament last week, the 117.7 million that went to companies linked to high-ranking officials of the Basque health service, the 42.3 million destined to an entity chaired by a former jeltzale spokesperson for the Basque Government and the 34.4 million that ended up in businesses run by two former PNV burukides.

562,650 euros extra cost

The service commissioned from NTT Data to find a “new solution for the management” of Public Job Offers in Osakidetza began at the end of 2022 and its completion was scheduled for February 2024, but four weeks after the April elections for the Basque Parliament, the contract was extended by the Department of Health until December. Although the amount of the contract amounted to 1,125,300 euros, the modification of the final term represents an extra cost of 562,650 euros.

The supporting report of the contract signed with the consulting firm refers to “urgent measures to reduce temporary employment in public employment” through selective stabilization and replacement processes. The “new solution for PEO management” will be “integrated with the corporate Human Resources information systems, so that the HR Hiring management process is agile, objective, transparent, and effective.” The information systems referred to are the “Selective Processes Website (B96)” and “OPE Management (SAP HCM PSe)”.

NTT Data, vice-president in Europe by Pedro Luis Uriarte, former Minister of Economy and Finance of the Basque Government, used the Everis brand to become an important service contractor for the Basque Department of Health

The outsourcing to NTT Data of the “analysis, development and implementation of new functionality on the OPE model in Osakidetza” was justified as “adjusted to the services that can be contracted in accordance with the Instruction on Good Practices in the Contracting of Services of the Basque Government “, and “not having the necessary material or human means to supply, its hiring is considered necessary.”

According to the sources consulted, there were three compelling reasons to launch this outsourcing. On the one hand, the irregularities detected in 2018 that led to the resignation of the then counselor Jon Darpón in 2019. On the other hand, the European Court and some courts in Euskadi had drawn attention to Osakidetza, among other issues, due to the high rate of temporary employment. . Finally, the Basque Government must adapt to the new European regulations that call for designing personnel selection tests with greater transparency, valuing with greater emphasis experience or practical tests, compared to the memory capacity that predominates in Public Offers. Current employment.

Regarding some of these concerns, it is worth remembering that the multinational NTT Data, vice-president in Europe by Pedro Luis Uriarte, former Minister of Economy and Finance of the Basque Government, used the Everis brand to become an important service contractor for the Department of Health, among others. them, the Curriculum Vitae information system in Osakidetza. It remains that way.

Subsidiary linked to Israeli military technology and Saudi weapons

One of NTT Data’s brands, Everis, sold its Defense space activity to another Basque company last year. Satlantis, linked to the border surveillance sector that develops the European military infrastructure. Everis’ resume includes the secret sale of 250 mortars and 175,000 projectiles to Saudi Arabia, with authorization from the Government of Mariano Rajoy, when it was chaired by Eduardo Serra, Minister of Defense in the Government of José María Aznar.

Likewise, NTT Data operates within the framework of the immigration control industry. With the Franco-German Idemia, a world leader in facial recognition systems and contractor in this matter for the Ertzaintza, the Japanese firm set up a joint venture to win the border control contract in fifteen Spanish airports in 2023. This contract is mentioned in the report “Violation of human rights on the Southern Border of the Spanish State 2021-2022: Institutional racism, borders and migration policy”.

NTT Data, in charge of Osakidetza’s OPEs, was accused of using Israeli technology to capture facial data that it then incorporates into a database called Health Data Bank.

NTT Data has also been singled out by a journalist from Israel for using Israeli technology to capture facial data that is then incorporated into a database called Health Data Bank. In that country it has a subsidiary, NTT Innovation Laboratory Israel, which “fosters collaboration and innovation by offering several key services”, including consulting, where “NTT Israel offers consulting services to NTT business units” to “leverage their experience in the Israeli technology landscape.”

NTT Data has worked with Israeli companies on the first project of its new Global Automotive Safety Test Center, unveiling it during the Cybertech conference in Israel. It is also collaborating with the country’s startup, Classiq, in a demonstration experiment to improve the efficiency of application development using quantum computers in the financial field.

Even the Basque group Sener has reached an agreement with the Japanese firm last April to acquire its subsidiary specialized in unmanned air, land and naval systems SCR, Remote Control Systems, aimed at improving its autonomous navigation systems, where It already has work with the Aerospace and Defense sector to “guarantee the industrial and technological capabilities of the Spanish State and the European Union.”

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