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Eating breakfast early and fasting longer at night has an effect on weight, study finds

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Eating breakfast early and fasting longer at night has an effect on weight, study finds

A breakfast of coffee and a croissant. (Illustrative Image Infobae)
A breakfast of coffee and a croissant. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

A recent investigation of Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activityhas revealed that prolonging overnight fasting and eating breakfast early could be related to a lower body mass index (BMI) in the long term. This study, which involved the participation of more than 7,000 people, was led by the ISGlobala center promoted by the la Caixa Foundation.

The study has included volunteers between 40 and 65 years oldbelonging to the cohort GCAT/Genomes for Lifea project led by Germans Trias Pujol Research Institute (IGTP). In 2018, participants completed a questionnaire about their weight, height, eating habits, meal times, lifestyle, and socioeconomic position. Five years later, in 2023, more than 3,000 of these participants underwent a follow-up visit to record their measurements again and answer a new questionnaire.

Luciana Pons-Muzzoa researcher at ISGlobal during the study and currently IESE Business School, explained to EFE that the results suggest that extend overnight fast could help maintain a healthy weightas long as it is accompanied by an early dinner and breakfast. Pons-Muzzo added that eating earlier aligns better with circadian rhythms, allowing for better calorie burning and appetite regulation, although it is still early to draw definitive conclusions.

Data analysis also showed significant differences between men and women. Women had a lower BMI, greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet, less alcohol consumption, poorer mental health, and a greater likelihood of being responsible for supervising the home or family, compared to men.

This study provides new perspectives on the relationship between meal timing and weight control, highlighting the importance of circadian rhythms in regulation of metabolism and appetite.

A balanced and nutritious breakfast can be key to controlling weight and slowing down aging. The practice of leaving a 12-hour interval between dinner and the next breakfast favors bodily processes such as cellular repair and stress reduction. The information collected by The Spanish talks about processes like:

  • Control of caloric intake: By fasting overnight and consuming a balanced breakfast, you can better control your daily calorie intake. A complete breakfast reduces cravings for unhealthy foods and high-calorie foods throughout the day.
  • Sugar stability: A breakfast that includes complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, avoiding insulin spikes that can be linked to premature aging and fat storage.
  • Metabolic stimulation: Eating in the morning activates the metabolism, and allows the body to burn calories more efficiently during the day. This is very beneficial for long-term weight loss.
  • Essential nutrients: A healthy breakfast provides vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails.

For maximize the benefits of breakfastit is recommended to drink coffee or tea after getting up, exercising, and then eating a nutritious breakfast. The more hours you go without eating calories, the more health benefits you will get, both in slowing down aging and losing weight.

Among the ingredients that should not be missing in a healthy breakfast are:

  • Lean proteins: Essential to maintain satiety and promote tissue repair, such as low-fat Greek yogurt, eggs, turkey, salmon or tofu.
  • healthy fats: Important for skin and hair health, as well as the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. They are found in avocado, walnuts, chia seeds or extra virgin olive oil.
  • Fiber: Key to digestion and sugar regulation. Fiber-rich foods include oats, fruits such as apples and pears, and leafy green vegetables.
  • Complex carbohydrates: Opting for whole-grain carbohydrates instead of refined ones, such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, quinoa, or sweet potatoes, provides sustained energy throughout the morning.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, such as berries, spinach, and tomatoes, help combat premature aging and protect skin from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Hydration: Include a healthy drink like water, green tea, or herbal tea to stay hydrated throughout the day.
A study suggests that a low-carbohydrate diet would be beneficial for adults with type 1 diabetes.

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