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“Despite being fruits…”

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Despite the recent popularity of good habits and leading a healthy life, official data detects that fruit consumption in Spain continues to decline. Each citizen eats 78.6 kilos of fruit in a year, which is 24.8% less than a decade ago, according to an EFE health report.

In this context, it is possible that one of the reasons why Spaniards have reduced their consumption of fruit is because they only consume it as dessert. Although this is an excellent habit, more and more experts recommend adding them first thing in the day.

Of all those that have been successful in Spanish homes for years, such as oranges or apples, there is a group of fruits that is increasingly conquering more and more palates: the red fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries and, especially, blueberries. Small blue berries with endless health benefits, especially first thing in the morning.

The benefits of having blueberries for breakfast daily

Blueberries are one of the most beneficial fruits of allwhich is not surprising, considering they contain a high amount of vitamins and minerals and more antioxidants than any other fruit, according to a 2021 study published in Molecules.

Of all its characteristics, the one that stands out among the others is its antioxidant capacity. Blueberries are packed with anthocyanins, which are known to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. According to a 2020 review in Advances in Nutrition, these compounds combat oxidative stress and inflammation, two important factors in the development of chronic diseases.

Regular consumption of antioxidants can contribute to healthy aging. Vitamin A and retinol, protect the skin from signs of aging and stimulate collagen productionso we not only avoid possible diseases, but also result in softer and firmer skin.

In addition to vitamin A, blueberries contain vitamin C, one of the most important when it comes to aging. Antioxidants are necessary to maintain good vision and potentially reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Blueberries are also known to be allies of the brain. Several studies suggest that regular consumption can improve cognitive function and memory, which is particularly beneficial as we age.

A study by Harvard nutrition specialist, Uma Naidoo, has revealed that blueberry can help memory. The expert explained that consuming these fruits “can contribute to a significant decrease in the risk of developing neurological problems, while helping to improve mental health, increasing concentration.”


This is due in part to its ability to reduce inflammation and improve communication between brain cells. Additionally, they can help delay age-related cognitive decline and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Another benefit of having blueberries for breakfast is its positive impact on cardiovascular health. Its high content of fiber, potassium and polyphenolic compounds can help reduce blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and reduce arterial stiffness.

This helps maintain better blood circulation and reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, the fiber present in blueberries promotes healthy digestion, helping to keep the digestive system in balance and avoid problems such as constipation.

Blood sugar control It is another positive aspect of daily consumption of blueberries, especially relevant for people at risk of diabetes or with this condition. Despite being fruits, have a low glycemic indexwhich means they do not cause sudden spikes in sugar levels.

In addition to all these benefits, blueberries are low in calories and rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Their low calorie content makes them a fantastic component of a healthy breakfast for those seeking to control their weight without sacrificing the nutritional quality of your diet.

How to consume blueberries

Despite the endless benefits that blueberries can provide, they may not be suitable For people with sensitivities or allergies. These small berries contain salicylates, natural chemicals found in aspirin and many fruits and vegetables.

These chemicals can cause problems for people with sensitivity to salicylates, so if we want to add them to our daily breakfasts and suffer from allergies to some foods, it is best to consult with our doctor.

According to Harvard University, you have to eat a minimum amount of berries to get heart benefits. Therefore, the ideal is Eat blueberries three times a week.

In case we do not suffer from allergies and we are sure that blueberries suit us well, they are one of the most versatile fruits of all, so we can have them for breakfast in many ways.

One of the simplest and tastiest ways to enjoy blueberries is sprinkling them on breakfast cereal, oatmeal, or yogurt. Its sweetness perfectly complements these breakfast staples while providing a healthy dose of antioxidants and essential nutrients.

We can also make a blueberry smoothie. All we have to do is mix a handful with other of our favorite fruits and add milk or yogurt. Plus, the natural sweetness of blueberries helps reduce the need to add sugars.


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