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Report of the Sectoral Committee on Occupational Safety and Health of Education (1/10/2024) – Teaching UGT Public Services CLM

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Report of the Sectoral Committee on Occupational Safety and Health of Education (1/10/2024) – Teaching UGT Public Services CLM

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Video summary of the session

Full session report


1st) Draft of the Procedure for adapting the job for Health reasons of teaching staff in non-University public educational centers in Castilla-la Mancha.

The draft is presented by the Prevention Service, which, together with the draft of the second point of the Agenda, in the coming days, will annul the instruction dating from 2016 that regulates these procedures. The proposal is to separate procedures, giving more speed to processes related to maternity. A commission will be established where the inspection will be a part, which they must be in if organizational measures have to be carried out, for example. Communications when these procedures are launched will be electronic, initially through the electronic headquarters (electronic record), and later through the teaching intranet. Communications from the administration to the interested party will also be electronic.

UGT contributions to the draft:

  • From UGT, we first want to value and thank the efforts to adapt and improve these procedures. In general terms, we consider the procedures to be written in a fairly careful and understandable manner, and we believe that it may be positive to have produced two different documents.
  • In relation to this first draft, we make the following assessments:
    • We share the vision of the rest of the union organizations, that the fact that situations of temporary disability interrupt the deadlines of the procedure can be detrimental, despite the fact that it has already been clarified to us previously that this must be done this way.
      • Management Response: An assessment cannot be performed while in IT. It is not possible to know if this may affect the valuation. A health assessment is required first, and then a technical assessment at the center to see how the work can be adapted.
    • The application period is generally established until April 30, and applications within this period may be taken into account due to unforeseen circumstances. We understand that in the case of interim personnel it may be more complicated, but in the case of career officials who are not going to change their final destination, the deadline could, so to speak, also be open in May and June.
      • Administration response: this is a general deadline, it does not mean that the call is closed after that date. The deadline is to guarantee the worker that the procedure is completed during the current course and in the situation in which he or she is. Also to try to make room for the next course within the times that this requires.
    • Regarding the assignment of a compatible position in those cases where it is necessary, We see well that an attempt is made to assign a destination first in the same center, and then in the same location. However, the issue of prioritizing the destination province over the rest of the provinces offers us more doubts, since if what is intended is to assign a position closest to the destination, this closest position could be in a province different from that of the destination. destination. For this reason, we have been the only organization to request that the destination province not be prioritized over the other four, but that the closest destination be prioritized regardless of the province in which it was located..
      • Management Response: Management understands our point of view and accepts the proposal.
      • Furthermore, we point out that if there are several positions in the same location, it should be considered that the teacher can choose. Or even that a list could be taken into account, as in the rest of the commissions.
    • Maximum deadline to resolve: A maximum period of six months does not seem ideal to us, although this is what the administrative procedure law states. Therefore, we ask that these processes be accelerated as much as possible. Furthermore, in the specific case of interim staff, who may frequently be changing positions, this can be a significant problem. We understand that it is complicated by the steps that the process requires, and the resources that its development may consume, but in any case, it should be accelerated in cases that may seem clearer a priori. We also request information on the average time that could be currently being spent.
      • Administration response: requests submitted in May or June may mean that the visit, within that same course, could not be carried out before the end of the teaching activity, and would have to wait until September. Resolutions are being issued in about 3 months. Sometimes, however, due to the development of the procedure, it may take longer.
    • The text says that “Once the procedure has been resolved, if the adaptation consisted of authorizing a change of position, it may be withdrawn at the time of award only in the event that the proposed position was in the educational center of a location other than that of the destination center“. We believe that perhaps it is better to extend it to all cases in which a center other than the destination is assigned.
      • Management response:

2nd) Draft of the Procedure for adapting the job for Health reasons of teaching staff in non-University public educational centers in Castilla-la Mancha.

UGT contributions to the draft:

  • We appreciate that in these cases the maximum period is reduced to two months, but we ask that in any case the resolution be accelerated even more.
  • Regarding the assignment of a compatible position in those cases where it is necessary, We request the same as in the previous case.

3º) Requests and questions

UGT questions:

  • We asked about the situation of medical examinations in the province of Albacete, where there were many pending.
    • Administration’s response: in all provinces, medical examinations of practices are being carried out, then those of conservatory staff will be carried out, and then, once the registration period is open, they will be carried out in order (regardless of the order of registration). The % of recognitions last year is the lowest in this province, being the only one that has not completed all the requests. Now more appointments have begun than in other years, and SESCAM is aware of the situation, since it is informed every 2 months.
  • We asked about how the Air Conditioning Plan is going to be developed.
    • Administration response: there will be several phases, starting with the CEIPs, in collaboration with the City Councils. They are going to be taken out several calls to make an adaptation gradually, over several years: cold/heat pumps, solar panels will be installed, and if appropriate, electrical installations will be reviewed. No actions are planned regarding isolation. Later it would be followed by secondary education centers.

UGT requests:

  • Review and negotiation with union organizations of the criteria for granting secondments for serious health reasons: This year in Albacete there has been a change in medical criteria and it has been denied in cases in which it had been granted in previous years.
  • We continue to ask for progress to reduce aggression in centers where there are positions that are susceptible to greater danger
  • Adapt the patios so that there are shaded areas.
  • Installation of air purifiers with HEPA filters in all classrooms with students and teachers potentially sensitive and vulnerable to respiratory infections.
  • Improve and increase the incorporation of school nurses
  • We request the progressive installation of DESA/DEA in all educational centers.
  • That travel for issues related to Health Surveillance be compensated through the compensation provided for reasons of service
  • Advance in the care for the emotional health of teachers.
  • Increase the reduction teaching hours for people who coordinate prevention in the centers, as well as an economic incentive in recognition of their functions and training.

Other information

  • On October 20, training for prevention coordinators and prevention delegates will be launched. Training for interns related to risk prevention will be carried out in January.

Drafts submitted

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