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Pascual denies “any type of relationship” between the absence of a doctor and the deceased in Requejo

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Pascual denies "any type of relationship" between the absence of a doctor and the deceased in Requejo

The Minister of Health, César Pascual, denied this Monday that there was “any type of relationship” between the lack of a doctor in Reinosa – due to a leave that could not be covered due to the absence of doctors to hire – and the death of a person in Requejo, last Thursday and as reported on Friday by the Workers’ Commissions and later criticized by the PRC and PSOE, and for which it has also taken the opportunity to censor statements and attitudes that it has labeled as “‘kale borroka’ unionism and political terrorism.”

“There is no type of relationship between the absence of a doctor and the death of the person in the town of Requejo,” stated the head of the Ministry, to explain that when the health technicians arrived the patient had already died and despite the resuscitation maneuvers – for “almost 40 minutes” – the Mata Porquera doctor could only certify the death.

Pascual responded this Monday during the press conference to present the vaccination campaign to questions from journalists about this episode, reported by Workers’ Commissions, which stated that on September 26, the residents of Reinosa were left without a doctor in the Primary Care Emergency Service (SUAP) and without a mobile ICU, and criticized by the PRC and PSOE.

The union indicated that “only the technicians could attend this emergency” and “they turned to the SUAP of Mata Porquera which, when it was able to arrive 45 minutes later, could not do anything because the person had already died.” For their part, the regionalists expressed their “deep concern” about what happened and asked for explanations, while the socialists accused the PP Government of being “playing Russian roulette with the lives of Campurrians.”


The ‘popular’ counselor has clarified that the absence of a doctor is due to the resignation of the doctor and the impossibility of hiring another as the residents have finished their training on September 27 and the employment pools have been left at “zero”. (an issue that hopes to be resolved starting this October).

Due to this, and the absence of “any type of relationship” between the lack of a doctor and what happened, César Pascual has censured “‘kale borroka’ unionism and political terrorism.”

And he believes that “some people are behaving with an irresponsible lack of ethics” by making statements “exclusively trying to find a headline, which borders on illegality, if they are not already doing it”, something for which one could even demand legal responsibilities, he pointed out.

“To suggest what they suggest, with those statements, is indecent. Not everything goes,” Pascual complained, for whom these unions and parties “are putting in check the trust of citizens in our health system and are manipulating news with a mere electoral interest. I believe that they are exercising kale borroka unionism and political terrorism.

He has also clarified that he has contacted and spoken with the victim’s relatives to explain what happened, but “what they want to say depends on them, not on us.”

Regarding the lack of doctors, the counselor hopes that hiring can be made starting in October and partially cover the “very important deficit” that exists, due to retirements, sick leave or reductions in working hours, and from there also – he highlighted – the increase in the workforce with 37 new positions, to “cover gaps and absences that are being generated.”

At this point, the head of the Ministry has defended the need to create more jobs given the difficulty of finding substitutes to cover reductions in working hours or sick leave.


In his appearance before the media, the counselor has also been questioned about another complaint, from the Platform of Users of the Public Health System of the Laredo Area, about the suspension last Friday of a surgical operation in this regional hospital when the patient was already He was in the operating room due to lack of an anesthetist.

He explained that the intervention could not be carried out because the anesthetist went on sick leave, which was covered, although the replacement arrived for the on-call shift, which begins at three in the afternoon. “Every day interventions are suspended in Valdecilla,” he added.

Pascual has indicated that none of the residents who have completed their training have opted for Laredo, where the vacancies are being filled with anesthetists from Valdecilla, the guards mainly, since the Pejino hospital staff is made up of professionals over 55 years old who They are exempt from doing them.

Added to this are leaves – such as maternity and paternity leave this past summer – and which have also been covered by professionals from Valdecilla, added the person in charge of Health, to indicate that the offer to fill the vacancies will be extended to the rest of the country. Let’s see if, he said, “we can get people interested in coming to the Laredo Hospital.”

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