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The 6 best infusions for constipation

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The 6 best infusions for constipation

The best infusions for constipation

Slow or inefficient intestinal transit is mostly due to conditions such as eating a low-fiber diet, having a sedentary lifestyle, or a significant lack of hydration. This causes conditions such as constipation which is characterized, in addition to difficulty evacuating, by suffering from symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence and lack of appetite, among others. There are natural alternatives that can be effective in relieving these symptoms and improving intestinal transit, such as infusions of dandelion, fennel or turmeric.

In the following unCOMO article we show you a list with the best infusions for constipationdon’t miss it!

  1. Flax seeds, one of the best infusions for constipation
  2. Mallow, one of the best plants for constipation
  3. Dandelion
  4. Chamomile, a remedy to improve digestion and constipation
  5. Fennel
  6. Turmeric to relieve constipation

Flax seeds, one of the best infusions for constipation

Flax seeds are a good ally for combat constipation and they allow regulate transit and regenerate intestinal florain addition to preventing the absorption of fats through the intestine. If we add to all this its high fiber content, an infusion made from flax seeds is a great natural option for this illness. Boil a cup of water, add a tablespoon of whole flax seeds and leave it on the heat for 5 more minutes. When it is cold you can drink the preparation. It is recommended to drink a cup on an empty stomach and another in the afternoon.

Here we tell you more about How to cleanse the colon with flax seeds.

The best infusions for constipation - Flax seeds, one of the best infusions for constipation

Mallow, one of the best plants for constipation

The properties against digestive disorders such as constipation are among the most outstanding of mallow. This plant acts as a mild laxative what allows reactivate intestinal transit and thus facilitate defecation, putting an end to the abdominal discomfort and bloating typical of constipation. Prepare the infusion by boiling 30 g of dried mallow flowers and leaves in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes, and strain the liquid after this time. Let cool and drink 2 or 3 cups a day to start noticing its effects and getting relief.

The best infusions for constipation - Malva, one of the best plants for constipation


Another of the best infusions you can take for relieve constipation is the one that is made with dandelion flowers and root. It is perfect for promoting intestinal transit, reducing swelling and facilitating evacuation without causing possible irritation in the digestive system. It is also a plant highly appreciated for its diuretic power by contributing to the elimination of toxins and preventing fluid retention.

Here you can learn about the best infusions to cleanse the blood, among which is dandelion.

The best infusions for constipation - Dandelion

Chamomile, a remedy to improve digestion and constipation

It is not surprising that chamomile is part of this list and it is a medicinal herb that is especially beneficial for the treatment of digestive conditions, including constipation. Not only will it help you relieve stomach pain, but it will contribute to the expulsion of intestinal gases and in reducing abdominal swelling. Prepare a chamomile infusion and drink it 2 times a day.

Learn more about this medicinal plant in our article on What are the medicinal properties of chamomile.

The best infusions for constipation - Chamomile, a remedy to improve digestion and constipation


Turmeric to relieve constipation

Turmeric is a spice that is used as a condiment, especially in Asia, and is also a good remedy for indigestion and constipation. For this remedy the turmeric rootwhich can be added in powder form to a variety of dishes and can also be taken as an infusion. It has a carminative, calming and anti-inflammatory effect that helps prevent heavy digestions and improves constipation problems.

We recommend you take a look at these other articles on the Medicinal Properties of Turmeric and Recipe Ideas with Turmeric.

Now you know 6 infusions for constipation, but if you want to find out more about other options, don’t miss this other unCOMO article in which we show you more medicinal plants for constipation.

The best infusions for constipation - Turmeric to relieve constipation

This article is merely informative, at unCOMO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor if you have any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to The best infusions for constipationwe recommend that you enter our Diseases and side effects category.

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